transmission shaft

[trænsˈmɪʃən ʃæft][trænzˈmiʃən ʃɑ:ft]


  • Manufacturing of 7075 Aluminum Alloy Axle Body of Hollow Transmission Shaft by Squeezing Casting

    7075铝合金 传动 空心轴身的挤压铸造工艺研究

  • Finite Element Analysis of Main Transmission Shaft in Hydro-viscous Drive speed governed induction clutch

    液体黏性调速 离合器主动 的有限元分析

  • The transmission shaft and small exhaust amount positive motor tricycle has the advantages of compact structure stable operation complete function and strong climbing ability .

    这种小排量正三轮摩托车结构紧凑,运行平稳、功能齐全, 爬坡能力强。

  • The spiral conveyor is sequentially connected with a hydraulic motor a hydraulic pump a belt wheel transmission system an air compressor a transmission shaft a gearbox and the like .

    螺旋输送器依次连接液压马达、液压泵、带轮传动系统、空压机和 传动 、变速箱等。

  • Consider the meshing gear stiffness the mill dynamic torque values of the main transmission shaft would be increased .

    考虑减速机齿轮的啮合刚度后,轧机主 传动 系统 的动态力矩值将会有所增大。

  • The transmission shaft drives the fertilizer shifting tray in a hopper to shift the fertilizer into a conveying pipe to fallen into a furrow .

    传动 带动料斗内播肥盘将肥料拨入输料管而落入犁沟。

  • In this paper the transmission shaft of the all-moving horizontal tail for a fighter plane is considered as a structural system and its failure probability is analysed .

    本文从整个构件系统着眼,研究某型歼击机全动 平尾 转轴梁静强度的可靠性。

  • The utility model relates to a transmission shaft and small exhaust amount positive motor tricycle belonging to an automobile mainly for carrying passengers .

    一种 传动 小排量正三轮摩托车,属以载客为主的机动车。

  • In this paper taking test-bed for automotive transmission shaft as an ex-ample the principle of fuzzy controller design and related computer programming are described in detail ;

    本文以汽车 传动 试验台为例,详细地阐述丁模糊控制器的没计原理及计算机软件设计方法;

  • The quincunx cams are installed in a staggered manner along the circular direction of the transmission shaft .

    左、右梅花形凸轮在 传动 圆周方向上错位配置安装;

  • Hoop transmissions and poor fuel reduction transmission shaft manufacturing ;

    钢圈、变速箱、差减总成、 传动 制造;

  • The factory is at present producing transmission shaft and hydraulic pump of saloon car dirt bikes business cars light and heavy trucks shaft coupling and mini cars etc.

    目前生产的 传动 有轿车类;越野车类;商务车类;轻重型载货车类;联轴器类及微型车类等几十个品种。

  • The system includes main motor main reduction gearbox transmission shaft ect .

    2机械传动系统包含有主电机,主减速箱、 传动 地轴等。

  • Bodywork is jointed by armor plate and transmission shaft is adopted common mechanical cutting to process .

    车体主要使用钢板焊接, 浮动 采用普通机械切削方法加工。

  • Abstract : design principle and mechanical feature of transfer storage mechanism in transmission shaft automatic welding assembly line has been introduced some questions in the design have been mentioned and also analysed in detail and applied effect has been illustrated .

    文摘:介绍了 传动 自动焊接装配生产线中输送贮料机构的设计原理、机构特点,指出了设计中应注意的有关问题并进行了详细分析,说明了应用效果。

  • A grass cutting machine relates to a farming machine including a frame a transmission shaft an eccentric wheel a wooden link rod a vertically sliding rope and a scissor .

    一种打草机,涉及一种畜牧机械。本打草机由机架、 传动 、偏心轮、木联杆、提拉绳及剪刀构成;

  • Structural analysis and improved design for transmission shaft of screw-drilling device

    螺杆钻具 传动 的结构分析与改进设计

  • The rotor and fan is driven by two engines through the drive system consist of clutch and transmission shaft forming a mechanic system of torsional oscillation .

    无人直升机的两个发动机通过减速器和 传动 等传动系统驱动旋翼和风扇工作,这些机械联系的部分构成了一个机械扭振系统。

  • Fatigue properties of high strength martensitic steels for transmission shaft

    传动 用高强度马氏体钢的疲劳性能弥漫性躯体血管角皮瘤

  • A Technological Design and Analysis of High-precision Transmission Shaft

    高精度 传动 工艺设计与分析

  • The hydraulic coupling often needs to be removed from the transmission shaft during overhaul .

    检修时,经常需要把液力偶合器从 传动 拆卸下来。

  • A transmission shaft is driven by a flat key .

    传动 用平键传动。

  • Power is delivered to a spline shaft by a power output shaft of a tractor via a universal transmission shaft an input shaft of a gear box and a conical gear pair in mesh ;

    动力由拖拉机的动力输出轴,通过万向 传动 、传动箱的输入轴、经互相啮合的圆锥齿轮付传递至花键轴;

  • Shows high magnetization effect of magnetic iron when magnetic particle coil not conductive torque transmission shaft transmission from not in driven shaft .

    显示高磁化效应的磁性铁粒子当磁性线圈不导电时,转矩不会从 传动 传导于从动轴。

  • The results indicate that the mistake choice of material unreasonable quench temperature and too small region of MF quenching are the cause of transmission shaft fracture .

    结果表明材料选择错误、淬火温度不当,以及中频淬火区域过小是导致 传动 断裂的原因。

  • The judging means and experiences of the crack tip were analyzed by testing of the depth of the crack in the roller or transmission shaft .

    通过对轧辊、 传动 裂纹深度检测,分析了裂纹尖端的评判方法与经验。

  • A lubricating oil pump shaft and a cam transmission shaft are respectively sheathed in series in two inner cavities .

    两内腔内分别串套机油泵轴和凸轮 传动

  • The utility model provides a high-stalk crop cutter-wind-rower mainly consisting of a frame a power box a chain wheel a cutting chain a transmission shaft and a delivery chain .

    一种高秆农作物割晒机,主要由框架、动力箱、链轮、切割链、 传动 、输送链组成。