The finite element analysis of the transitorily expanding process and design optimization of coronary stent system
冠脉支架系统 瞬时膨胀过程的有限元分析及其优化设计
Be used to analyze the present bird 's death caused by infection with viruses of type H5N1 it shows firstly that the natural markets to exchange advance deliveries ( intermediate inputs ) with two-way advantages transitorily are out of balance ;
并将其应用于分析当前由H5N1类型病毒传染引起的禽鸟死亡现象可知:第一,具有双向前 级让渡( 级中投入)交换优势的自然市场 短暂 性的失去了平衡;
Results : The rhG CSF expression level of 48 h after transfection was 52 ng / ml and that of 72 h was 230 ng / ml. Results showed that the rhG CSF cDNA was transitorily and highly expressed .
结果:转染COS7细胞后48h收集的上清rhG-CSF表达量为52ng/ml,72h为 230ng/ml,显示rhG-CSF获得了 暂时 性高表达。
Cell proliferation transitorily appears in prostate after castration .
去势后前列腺细胞 可能 存在 一 过 性增殖。
In pacing group amount of adenosine transitorily increased during VOP preconditioning and rerun higher at the stage of ischemia and reperfusion .
起搏组 血清 腺苷含量于预处理时一 过 性增高,并在缺血期再度明显增高。
Conclusions The low-power semiconductor laser may promote proliferation of the Leydig cells and increase transitorily the secretion quantity of testosterone .
结论低强度半导体激光可促进睾丸间质细胞增殖,使睾酮分泌量 短暂 升高。
Results There were seven cases of losing consciousness transitorily one case of electric burn one case of which resulted in death .
结果本组7例意识 短暂丧失,1例电烧伤,1例击毙。
State anxiety is an emotional experience transitorily and the strength changes over time .
状态焦虑是一种 不 愉快的情绪体验, 一般 为 短暂 性的,随着时间 不同其强度和 波动 性也在变化中。
In order to reduce the injury to decrease the in-stent restenosis the transitorily expanding process of six different balloon-stent models were compared and analyzed by finite element method ( FEM ) .
本研究利用有限元技术对六组不同搭配的球囊/支架系统的 瞬时膨胀情况进行了对比分析。