Results The more distance of maxillary molar and more obvious inhibition of maxilla bone growth forward in group of 7 8 year old children ( group of transitional dentition ) were detected than that in group of 10 11 year old children ( group of permanent tooth ) .
结果发现 替牙期组(7~8岁)上磨牙远 移的距离大于 恒牙 期组(10~11岁),上颌骨向前生长所受的抑制较 恒牙 期明显。
The Application of Rigid Internal Fixation to the Mandible Fracture in the Children with Transitional Dentition : A Clinic Experience
坚强内固定在 替 牙 期儿童下颌骨骨折中的应用体会
Utilization of orthodontic therapy for acute damage of anterior teeth in transitional dentition
正畸治疗术在 替 牙 列 期前牙急性损伤中的应用