transition iron

[trænˈzɪʃən ˈaɪən][trænˈziʃən ˈaiən]

[机] 转变用铁水

  • Compared with other transition metals copper and iron are inexpensive and harmfulless therefore they are usually used as catalysts in organic reactions .

    与其他 过渡金属相比,铜盐和 铁盐具有廉价、低毒等优点,因而它们广泛用作有机反应的催化剂。

  • What Caused the poor bleachability of DIP fines ? the two factors coming from external contamination were : residual ink and transition metals in pulp specifically iron .

    前言:什么使得脱墨浆细料的漂白反应性能差?是来自内部杂质的两个因素:残余油墨和 过渡金属,特别是

  • However transition metal impurities such as iron and copper reduce the luminescence intensity or lose the luminescence thoroughly .

    然而, 、铜等 过渡金属杂质会使发光材料发光强度降低或完全失去发光能力,即猝灭作用。

  • Research into the expanding slope transition plans for E'Kou Iron Mine

    峨口 铁矿西区扩帮 过渡方案研究

  • New repair welding procedure of cast iron by spraying Ni-matrix alloy transition layer and cold welding using homogeneous cast iron welding electrode

    喷敷镍基合金 过渡层与铸铁同质焊条电弧冷焊相结合的 铸铁焊补新工艺

  • Late transition metal complexes of nickel and iron exhibit very high activities toward ethylene oligomerization but with higher carbon a-olefins ( > C_ ( 20 )) products .

    过渡金属镍、 催化体系催化乙烯齐聚反应活性很高,然而催化产物中高碳α-烯烃居多(>C(20))。

  • On the transition of flake graphite vermicular graphite in cast iron

    铸铁中片状石墨FG■蠕虫状石墨VG的 转变

  • Microscopic studies of structural transition in iron under one-dimensional strain

    一维应变加载下单晶 结构 转变的微观研究

  • Brittle transition of ductile iron containing 3.3 % Si

    关于含 3.3%Si球墨 铸铁出现脆性的认识

  • In this thesis the dynamic structural transition in single crystal iron and dynamic failure in single crystal aluminum have been studied with molecular dynamics simulations where the embedded-atom method was used to describe the interatomic forces .

    基于分子动力学模拟及分析方法,对单晶 的动态 相变和单晶铝的动态破坏行为分别进行了模拟研究,其中 和铝的原子间相互作用均采用嵌入原子法进行描述。

  • The bistable characteristics of the process of active passive transition of iron in sulfuric acid was described and the stochastic resonance phenomenon in the process was simulated .

    本文描述了 在硫酸中活化钝化 转移过程的双稳特征,并模拟出该过程的随机共振现象。

  • The results showed that the composite pipe is composed of ceramic layer pearlite transition layer and cast iron layer with white iron layer heat diffusion zone and matrix of base nodular cast iron .

    结果表明:复合管由陶瓷层/珠光体 过度层/铸铁层组成, 铸铁层又由白口层/扩散层/原始球墨铸铁基体组成;

  • The coloration of emerald results from the effect of transition metal ions such as iron chromium and vanadium etc.

    翡翠的呈色是 、铬、钒等 过渡金属离子共同作用的结果。

  • Compared with graphite materials new carbon materials ( such as carbon nanotubes and ordered mesoporous carbon ) and transition metal oxides ( such as manganese oxide iron oxide nickel oxide and copper oxide ) have higher capacity .

    相比于石墨材料,新型的碳材料(如碳纳米管、介孔碳)和 过渡 金属氧化物(如氧化锰、 氧化铁、氧化镍、氧化铜等)具有更高的比容量。

  • Transition of graphite morphology in cast iron and its growth kinetics

    铸铁石墨形态的 转变及生长动力学

  • The experimental results indicated that the process of bcc-hcp phase transition of iron initiated at 13.7 GPa and finished at 18.1 GPa .

    实验结果表明, 在13.7GPa时发生相变,由体心立方相 转变为六方密堆相,在18.1GPa时相变结束。


    水泥 砂浆 界面相弹性常数的反演计算

  • Combining the two new models we simulated the phase transition and spall behaves of iron . The unloading shock wave and hysteresis are reproduced in simulations .

    结合以上两个模型,我们对 的具有 相变和层裂的复杂过程进行了数值模拟,理论与实验符合较好,再现了卸载冲击波以及回滞效应等现象。

  • Calculation of Average Life Soft X-ray Spectra and Transition Probability of Hydrogen-like Iron Ions

    Fe~( +25)离子软X射线谱、 跃迁概率和平均寿命计算

  • The hanging wall ore of the open-pit is one of important projects in transition from open pit to underground in Daye iron mine and the shallow hole shrinkage mining method is adopted in the project .

    大冶 铁矿露天采场挂帮矿是该矿山露天 地下项目的重要工程,采用浅孔留矿法进行开采。

  • The transition state calculations of the x - ray energies for the iron group atoms

    族原子X-射线能量的 过渡态计算

  • Transition metals such as Nickel and Iron which have special d electronic structure have good activity stability and selectivity so most metal catalysts are Ni Pd Fe Pt and other transition metals .

    镍和 过渡 金属,因其特有的d电子结构,使他们具有很好的活性、稳定性和选择性,所以大多数金属催化剂都是Ni、Pd、Fe、Pt等过渡金属。

  • By the procedure of spraying the Ni-matrix alloy transition layer on the surface of casting defect and using multi-alloying cast iron homogeneous electrode with high welding current and continuous welding technique obtained the homogeneous welding zone in which there is no chill structure and crack .

    通过在铸件缺陷表面喷敷镍基合金 过渡层,采用多元微合金化 铸铁同质焊条大电流连续焊工艺,可获得无白口和裂纹的铸铁同质焊补区。

  • The optic absorption coefficient also increased with increasing the sulfuration temperature . Secondly we investigated the transition mechanism of pyrite films during sulfuring the iron oxides precursory films .

    FeS2薄膜的光吸收系数也随着硫化温度的升高而增加。其次,对 氧化铁先驱体薄膜硫化过程中的 转变机理进行研究。

  • The colorations of ruby sapphire and emerald result from the d-d electron transition and charge transfer transition of transition metal ions such as chromium iron titanium etc.

    红宝石、蓝宝石、翡翠的呈色是 过渡金属离子(如铬、 、钛等)d-d电子跃迁和电荷转移跃迁等因素共同作用的结果。

  • The main research contents are as following : ( 1 ) We successfully simulated the bcc to hcp structural transition in single crystal iron under isothermal compression along the 001 w_491 direction .

    研究内容主要包括:(1)成功模拟了单晶 在一维应变条件下从bcc至hcp的结构 相变

  • The ductile-embrittlement transition temperature of vermicular graphite cast iron increased with increasing phosphorus content both in the as-cast and annealed condition .

    的韧性&脆性 转变温度铸态和退火态均随磷含量的增加而升高。

  • In this paper the research is carried out deeply aimed at the problems of the structure parameters of underground stope for transition from open pit to underground Mining in Shirengou Iron Mine .

    针对石人沟 铁矿露天转地下 过渡 开采I区地下采场结构参数问题展开了深入研究。