Expression of CaR in Rat Uterus Silver Ion-sensitive Field-Effect Transistor Sensor with Longevity Life
钙离子敏感受体在大鼠子宫中的表达长寿 命银离子敏感场效应 晶体管传感器
The clamping action of the pulse realizing circuit can effectively relieve the voltage applied on the power switch transistor so that the reliability and service life of the pulse power unit are increased .
由于通过脉冲实现电路的箝位作用,有效地降低了功率开关 管所承受的电压,提高了脉冲电源的可靠性和使用 寿命。
Study of transistor steady-state operation life test by method of controllable junction temperature
结温可控的 晶体管稳态工作 寿命试验方法研究
A method for measuring and controlling the junction temperature of power transistor during succession operation life test is proposed .
为了在试验周期中 了解 晶体管的结温,提出一种在功率 晶体管稳态工作 寿命试验过程中结温的测量与控制方法。
The experiment showed that surface leak current can be controlled transistor electronic noise can be lowered and the reliability stability and life can be enhanced by adopting surface passivation ( technique ) .
实验表明,采用合适的表面钝化技术,可有效控制 晶体管的表面漏电流,降低 晶体管的电噪声,使 器件的可靠性、稳定性及其 使用 寿命得到提高。
Measurement and Controlling of Junction Temperature of Power Bipolar Transistor During Succession Operation Life Test
稳态 工作条件下功率 晶体管结温的测量与控制
Silver Ion-sensitive Field-Effect Transistor Sensor with Longevity Life
长寿 命银离子敏感场效应 晶体管传感器
Analyzing the various problems of current ste ady-state operation life test standard it is pointed out that not measuring a n d controlling transistor junction temperature in current transistor steady - state operation life test can lead to fatal inaccuracy of the test results .
在分析了现行标准中 晶体管稳态工作 寿命试验方法存在问题的基础上,认为在现行的稳态工作寿命试验中没有对晶体管的结温实施测量和控制,是导致试验结果不准确的重要原因。
美[trænˈzɪstɚ laɪf]英[trænˈsistə laif]