transistor performance


  • Effects of Stress on Bipolar Transistor Performance Parameters

    应力对双极型 晶体管参数 性能的影响

  • The electron-sheet-density in the quantum well of Strain-Si modulation-doped NMOSFET ( Metal-Oxide-Silicon Field Effect Transistor ) affects switch performance .

    应变Si(StrainSi)调制掺杂NMOSFET量子阱沟道中电子面密度直接影响 器件的开关 特性

  • AMD 's approach was to limit power consumption even more for a given level of transistor performance .

    所以AMD的目的是在给定 晶体管 性能情况下降低器件的功耗。

  • IGBT ( Insulate Gate Bipolar Transistor ) enhances the performance index and the energy saving for the entire machine system .

    绝缘栅双极晶体管(InsulateGateBipolar Transistor,IGBT)作为新型电力电子 器件是整机系统提高 性能指标和节能指标的首选产品。

  • A proportional drive circuit for bipolar power transistor ( GTR ) is introduced which has excellent drive performance of being able to reduce the switch losses and the storing time of the power switch .

    介绍了一种 应用于双极型功率 晶体管GTR)的比例驱动电路。

  • In the system the operating point of the circuit and the small signal parameters of MOS transistor are calculated more accurately and the circuit performance equations are generated from its topology automatically in order to improve the equation-based method .

    通过较准确地计算电路的直流工作点和MOS 的小信号参数,以及由电路拓扑结构自动生成电路 性能公式对已有的基于公式的方法进行了改进;

  • The whole system are designed simulated and debugged with 0.5 μ m complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor ( CMOS ) process . The simulation results show that the system can work properly and PWM / PFM automatic switching is achieved successfully . Its performance meets the design requirements .

    系统采用0.5μMCMOS工艺实现,对系统的仿真结果表明,系统正常工作,成功实现了 PWM/PFM的自动切换, 性能指标达到了设计要求。

  • Through the ingenious cooperation of BIMOS OP amplifier and VMOS FET ( filed effect transistor ) making the instrument have higher precision and better performance .

    由BIMOS型运放和VMOS场效应 晶体管的巧妙配合,使仪器具有很高的精度和很好的 性能

  • In addition the effect of back uniformity of the chip on transistor performance is studied .

    文中还研究了金属化层制备中芯片背面状况对 晶体管 性能的影响。

  • A two dimensional numerical simulation for NMOSFET with lateral parasitic transistor is presented . The influences of three key parameters such as the doping level gate bias during irradiation the bird 's beak shape on NMOSFET are studied for total dose radiation hardening performance .

    对具有侧向寄生 晶体管的NMOSFET进行二维数值模拟,探讨了掺杂浓度、辐照偏压以及鸟嘴形状3个关键参数对于器件抗总剂量辐射加固 性能的影响。

  • InP / GaAs 0.5 Sb 0.5 / InP DHBT ( double heterojunction bipolar transistor ) is grown by MOCVD ( metalorganic chemical vapor deposition ) . The influence of material quality on device performance is studied .

    采用金属有机化学气相沉积生长了InP/GaAs0.5Sb0.5/InP双异质结晶体 三极 (DHBT)材料,研究了材料质量对器件 性能的影响。

  • It keeps the voltage drop across the pass transistor more nearly constant improving its performance .

    他使 调整 三极 上的电压降接近稳定,改进了他的 性能

  • Comparison of Vacuum and Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor Performance Limits

    真空和半导体场效应 晶体管 性能极限的比较

  • In the new structure the constant current source charging and discharging technology and combination transistor technology are used so as to improve the performance .

    在此振荡器结构中,采用了恒流源充放电技术和组合 晶体管技术,提高了 性能

  • This technology has been applied to the double layer polysilicon bipolar transistor process and excellent transistor performance has been obtained .

    已将这种工艺技术应用于双层多晶硅双极晶体管的制作工艺中, 器件具有良好的 电学 特性

  • Firstly the Bi-CMOS bipolar transistor layout structure is analysed and the operation principle is studied . Thus the design method for making a high performance Bi-CMOS bipolar transistor is given with standard CMOS process .

    首先通过对Bi-CMOS双极型 晶体管版图结构的分析,探讨了工作机理,阐明了采用标准CMOS工艺制作高 性能Bi-CMOS双极型晶体管的设计方法。

  • Based on the possess technics using the Hspice ( Level 49 ) transistor models which offered by the UMC company simulated the performance of the circuits in great detail .

    据具体工艺,应用UMC公司所提供的Hspice( Level49晶体管模型对所设计电路进行了比较全面和详细的仿真。

  • The class stresses insight and intuition applied to the design of transistor circuits and the estimation of their performance .

    在做 晶体管电路设计和对它们进行 性能评估时,本课程强调洞察力和直觉。

  • SOI technology is used to reduce the device capacitance and increase transistor performance .

    SOI技术用于减少器件电容和提高 晶体管 性能

  • Two types of C-element are designed and implemented in this standard cell design flow . The transistor sizes of these C-elements are optimized for performance .

    本文提出了一种异步标准单元的设计流程,设计实现了两种兼容已有标准单元库标准的 异步集成电路C单元,并对其进行了 性能优化。

  • The Integrator Realized with Single Electron Transistor And Analyzing for Its Performance

    采用单电子 晶体管实现的积分器及其 性能分析

  • The parasitic capacitor of transistor matching network biasing circuit and duty cycle are the key factors to the performance of PA. Based on the analysis above this paper has done a great deal of research and discussion of the E-type PA in detail .

    影响其 性能的关键因素主要有 晶体管寄生电容、匹配网络、偏置电路、开关占空比等。本论文就上述课题对E类功率放大器进行详细的研究和讨论。

  • RCA Microwave Power Bipolar Transistor with Excellent Performance

    性能优良的RCA微波功率 晶体管

  • The design of high-voltage transistor directly determines the performance of chips .

    高压 晶体管设计的好坏将直接影响芯片 性能的优劣。

  • The contrast experiment between the captor discharge ignition system and the original transistor ignition system is done at idle speed status it indicates from the experiment results that it is valid to improve the engine performance especially in improving the exhaust emission level at the idle speed status .

    对设计的电容放电点火系统与原 点火系统进行了对比试验,试验表明:电容放电式点火系统能有效地改善发动机的 性能

  • The paper introduces a practical driving circuit of transistor converted power source analyzes the principle and performance of the circuit and puts forward the method to select the main parameters of the circuit .

    介绍了一种实用的 晶体管 逆变电源的驱动电路,分析了它的工作原理和 特点,提出了主要参数的选择方法。