transition duration

[trænˈzɪʃən dʊˈreʃən][trænˈziʃən djuəˈreiʃən]


  • The new power structure is effective during the transition period whose duration was not specified .

    新权力体制在 过渡期内有效,但 过渡期的 期限并未明确。

  • Pulse parameters which include pulse amplitude transition duration overshoot and undershoot are very important in electric parameters .

    脉冲参数是一个非常重要的电参数,主要包括幅度、 过渡 时间、过冲和预冲。

  • This paper analyzes the uncertainty factors affecting the pulse parameters and displays the result of uncertainty analysis in transition duration with a simulation example .

    本文分析了脉冲参数的不确定度因素,并结合计算机仿真针对脉冲 过渡 时间进行了不确定度分析。

  • Data on the development of embryos and the transition of material and energy in eggs incubation were processed resulting in : ① The duration of incubation averaged 35 days and the egg in wet mass increased for absorbing moisture while incubating .

    胚胎发育以及卵物质和能量 转化数据处理结果如下:①卵孵化期为 350d,孵化时能从外界吸收水分使卵重增加;

  • The change of membrane pore size and transmembrane pressure resulted in the change of fouling mechanism transition and the change of duration for each fouling mechanism .

    改变膜孔径和透膜压力可影响不同膜污染机理间的 转化,从而改变了不同污染机理的 持续 时间