transmission range

[trænsˈmɪʃən rendʒ][trænzˈmiʃən reindʒ]


  • This system aside from the transmission range strong penetrability of microwave technology characteristics also has anti-noise anti-multipath interference and without specific band occupation and so on which is derived from the benefits of spread spectrum technology .

    这种伪码测距系统在微波技术 传输 范围 ,穿透力强的基础上,又增加了扩频技术抗噪声,抗多径干扰,及不占用具体频带的优点。

  • Belt conveyor is one of the most important bulk cargo transportation equipment . The main advantages of it are strong transportation ability ; large transmission range ; convenient of loading and unloading ; big safety factor ; long distance of transmission ; low cost of maintenance .

    带式输送机是散装物料重要的运输设备之一,其优点主要有:输送能力强; 输送 范围 广;装卸方便;安全系数大;距离输送长;动力及维修费用低等一系列优点。

  • Using damping matching one may increase the transmission ability of ultrasonic wave across solid-po in-terfaces . and thus increase the transmission range of ultra-sound in gases .

    利用阻尼匹配可增加超声波是过团体-气体界面的传播能力,从而增加超声波在气体中 传播 范围

  • And this paper designes test of the node power consumption node lifetime effective single-hop transmission range and reliability performance for wireless sensor network and USB communication modules .

    并对本文对所设计的无线传感器网络和USB通讯模块进行了节点功耗、节点寿命、有效单跳 传输 距离和可靠性等性能测试。

  • Energy Balanced Scheme Based on Variable Transmission Range for Wireless Sensor Networks

    无线传感器网络 通信 半径动态 调整的能耗均衡策略

  • We also propose an ACO-based distributed algorithm ( AASTRL ) to prolong the network lifetime which can help nodes in different areas to adaptively find approximate optimal transmission range based on the node distribution .

    还提出了一种基于蚁群优化搜索近似最优 传输 距离序列的算法&AASTRL,不同区域的节点根据当前的节点分布情况,自适应地调节其数据传输距离,从而延长网络寿命。

  • Energy efficient variable transmission range adjustment in wireless sensor networks

    无线传感器网络中能量最优 传输 半径调整

  • Shortwave communication is a very important means of communication . And it has the advantages of far transmission range high flexibility strong anti-destructive .

    短波通信是十分重要的一种通信手段,它的 传输 距离远、灵活性高、抗摧毁性强。

  • It is one of the major viral pathogen of cultured shrimps due to its strong pathogenic ability and wide transmission range . However there is still no effective methods to control or prevent it .

    该病毒致病能力强, 传播 范围广,是危害对虾养殖业的主要病原之一,至今依然没有有效的防治方法。

  • The effective transmission range of ordinary node and high energy node was tested in obstacle and non-obstacle as well as in three different heights . Thus the distance between nodes and node height were decided in the farmland node deployment .

    分别对普通节点和高能节点在有无农作物两种情况、三种不同高度条件下的有效 传输 距离 范围进行了测试,确定了大田节点部署时的节点间距离及节点放置高度。

  • This technology can increase transmission range of a single hop reduce interference improve the spatial reuse and then expand the capacity of the networks obviously .

    这一技术能增加单跳 传输 距离、减小干扰、提高空间复用度,从而能显著增大系统容量。

  • While the directional antenna has superiority on spatial reuse antenna gain transmission range and interference rejection it can greatly improve the performance of wireless ad hoc networks .

    而定向天线的空间复用特性,以及它在天线增益、 传输 范围和抗干扰方面的优势,能够极大的改善无线adhoc网络的性能。

  • As a vivid and visual media with rich information videos are one of the most favorite media however due to the huge information it carries the transmission range is limited in terms of forward transmissions .

    视频作为一种生动直观且信息量丰富的媒体备受人们青睐,但是其巨大的信息量使得其在转发传输方面制约了其 传输 范围

  • Considering the limited energy and transmission range of sensor nodes in sensor networks an innovative routing algorithm was proposed .

    针对传感器节点能量及 传输 范围有限等特点,提出了一种基于簇的自适应路由算法。

  • This crystal is an ideal nonlinear crystal which can apply the maximum nonlinear coefficient avoid the walk-off effect and apply the whole transmission range of the crystal .

    这种周期极化晶体,可以应用晶体最大的非线性系数,避免三波的走离效应,理论上可以应用晶体的整个通 范围,是目前理想的非线性光学晶体。

  • And different kinds of nodes are not well mixed and the chances to meet each other are not homogeneous distribution each node only competes in a game with the nodes in its transmission range .

    在机会网络中,不同的节点并非均匀混合分布,而节点之间相遇概率也并非均匀分布,通常某个节点只会与其 通信 范围 的节点进行博弈,并非与所有节点都存在竞争合作的关系。

  • According to the measured transmission ratio range configure the load motor and gear box of the transmission load test .

    依据所测 变速 的速比 范围,配置了变速箱加载试验台的加载电机和变速箱。

  • Topology control is a technology which coordinates the transmission range of each node in WSN to construct a topology with some global properties ( such as connectivity spanner ) .

    拓扑控制技术是一种协调网络中节点间 通信 功率的技术,用以构建具有某些期望的全局特性(如:连通性、伸展性)的网络拓扑结构。

  • Secondly directional beam and omni-directional beam are assumed to have the same transmission gain . This limits the benefit of the enhanced transmission range of the directional communication .

    其二:假设定向波束和全向波束有相同的增益,没有利用定向通信模式的增加 传输 距离的优势。

  • We propose three algorithms to obtain approximate optimal transmission range lists for different node distributions .

    为不同的节点分布情况提出搜索近似最优的 传输 距离序列的三种算法。

  • It means that all nodes have the same transmission range .

    即所有节点有相同的 信号 覆盖 范围

  • The other factors that were found out to contribute to the value of the average distance were the key ring size transmission range of the nodes deployment pattern and the network size ( node density ) .

    其他对平均路径距离有影响的因素包括:密钥环的大小、节点 通讯 半径、分布模式、网络规模(指结点密度)。

  • A spanning tree will be used from each node to all the other nodes with the transitive transmission range of the source node .

    使用生成树从每个节点到所有其他 节点

  • Fast Fourier Transform ( FFT ) and Heap Sort algorithm FFT algorithm are very common they are widely applied in signal transmission range and scientific calculation .

    快速傅里叶变换(FFT)和堆排序算法都是常见的算法,它们在信号 传输和科学计算等 方面都有着广泛的应用。

  • In the scenario of heterogeneous networks different wireless access technologies provide different performance indicators such as transmission range transmission rate and QoS .

    在异构网络融合的环境下,多种无线接入技术能够提供不同的 覆盖 范围、传输率及服务质量等性能指标。

  • In our cal-culus a MANET node can locally broadcast messages to a group of nodes within its physical transmission range .

    在我们的演算中,一个无线自组织网络节点能够本地广播消息给它 传输 范围内的一组节点。

  • Analysis of the Optimum Transmission Range for the Wireless Multihop Networks

    多跳无线网络最优 发射 距离分析

  • The system is applicable in the field of point to point security communication of 40 km long transmission range .

    该系统有望应用于 距离40km的点对点保密通信。