Regional creation thinking in transmigrant residence design of Dachang new town
大昌 移民 新镇住宅设计中的地域性创作思维
With humaneness Naipaul writes transmigrant offsprings ' state of life in colony as an offspring of Indian transmigrants in ex-colony .
作为一个前殖民地人,一个印度移民后代, 奈保尔满怀深情地记述着生活于殖民地之上的 移民后代的生存状态。
The landslide survey in Wushan Erlangmiao Transmigrant Village in Chongqing is one of transmigrant projects in Three Gorges Reservoir Area .
重庆巫山二郎庙 移民 小区滑坡勘察为三峡库区移民项目,地层复杂,采用传统方法进行勘察达不到滑坡勘察的目的。