transmission band

[trænsˈmɪʃən bænd][trænzˈmiʃən bænd]


  • This optical label eraser has the characters of double output ports flatten transmission band high extinction ratio and multi-channel operation .

    这种标签擦除滤波器具有双端口输出、 平坦、消光比高、多信道同时工作等特性。

  • The filter introduces two transmission poles in pass band and two transmission zeros out-of-band .

    该滤波器在通 引入了两个 传输极点,在带外也引入了两个传输零点。

  • This transmission line has a wide left-hand transmission band ; the measurement fits the simulation well which testifies the validity of the model .

    此种传输线具有较宽的左手 传输 带宽,测试结果与仿真结果基本吻合,证明了模型的准确性。

  • It is proved that the system can be used to improve teaching efficiency while there are some deficiencies such as wide network transmission band slow running speed and different control of media synchronization .

    经实践,证明能明显提高教学效率,尚存问题为:网络 传输 宽窄,运行速度慢,媒体同步难于控制等。

  • Digital communication technology includes digital baseband signal transmission digital signal transmission frequency band network and protocol adaptive equalization power spectrum estimation techniques .

    数字通信技术主要包括数字基带信号传输、数字信号的 频带 传输、网络与协议、自适应均衡、功率谱估计等技术。

  • Rainfall has become one of the key factors which influence the transmission quality because it has great attenuation to the electronic wave transmission of Ka band satellite communication system .

    由于降雨对Ka 波段卫星通信系统的电波 传播的衰减较大,成为影响其传输质量的重要因素之一。

  • So MIMO systems theoretically can achieve very high data transmission rate on band limited frequency spectrum .

    采用该技术不仅能在有限的 频带上实现高速率的信息 传输,而且还能够改善无线通信系统的性能。

  • It is found that the transmission in the band decreases and that in the gap increases as the disorder degree increases and localization induced by disorder will spread from the band gap edge to the band center and the gap center .

    研究发现,随着无序度的增加 光子 透过 逐渐降低,而 光子 禁带 透过率逐渐上升,即无序导致的局域化逐渐由光子带边向光子禁带中心和光子通带的中心扩展。

  • Images Progressive Transmission with Inter band Prediction of Wavelet Coefficients

    基于小波系数 间预测的图象累进 传输

  • Thanks to the characteristics of optical fiber medium such as wide transmission band low transmission loss and good interference immunity the optical communication technology has always been dominant in the basic communication network .

    由于光纤媒质所具有的 传输 带宽大、传输损耗低,抗干扰能力强等特点,使光通信技术始终在通信基础网络建设中占据着主导地位。

  • The model of atmospheric transmission at submillimeter band and expression of weighting terms are given through the anlysis that of far infrared band and millimeter band .

    通过分析远红外区和毫米波区的大气传输模型,给出了亚毫米 波段的大气 传输模型以及加权项的表达形式。

  • The transmission peaks and forbidden band gaps increase with increase of the structure arrays .

    随着结构阵列的增加, 透射峰与 禁带都有加强的趋势。

  • It demonstrate that compared with the single-wall nanotube a new transmission band appears in the shorter wavelength region .

    发现双层纳米管跟单层纳米管相比,在短波长区域出现新的 透射

  • When absorption is included the transmission at the central frequency disappears but the transmission still exists near the tail of the transmission band .

    当吸收存在时透射 中心的 透射峰消失,但 尾的透射峰依然存在。

  • Based on the network business and its data classification in the electric power industry this paper attempts to provide a description of calculations about different data and present measurement methods and principles of network information transmission wide band in the power industry .

    本文从电力系统网络的业务和数据分类出发,描述了不同数据类型的计算方法,提出了供电企业网络信息 传输 带宽的测算方法及原则。

  • These resonant frequencies of interstage networks are not tuned to the center frequency but distributed at certain frequencies of the transmission band . Finally one design example is presented .

    这些谐振频率并不是调谐到中心频率而是分布在 传输 频段的某些频率上的,最后举出一个数值设计实例。

  • Minus filters for laser protection need filter out some specific wavelengths in the wide high transmission wave band which is mainly used to protect the photodetectors and soldiers from laser damage .

    激光防护用负滤光片是指在所要求的高 透射 光谱范围中滤除特定波长的激光,这种 滤光片主要用于保护光学系统探测器或人眼不被激光损伤。

  • The bandwidth of 200 nm for both rejection region and transmission band is obtained at wavelength 1550 nm .

    对一个典型的短 波通截止滤光片,在波长1550nm,截止区和 透射 带宽均达到了200nm。

  • Adaptive QOS Control of Multimedia Transmission over Band - limited Networks

    有限 带宽网络多媒体 传输的自适应QOS控制

  • Network transmission band width choice network architecture transformation which involves on the cable TV promotion transformation in technical and new equipment application and region networking method are carried on the discussion and the confirmation .

    就有线电视升级改造中所涉及的网络 传输 频带宽度选择、网络结构的改造,新技术和新设备的应用、区域联网手段等问题进行了讨论和验证。

  • The specific property of atmospheric transmission at near submillimeter band is studied .

    主要研究了在近亚毫米 波段的大气 传输特性。

  • The bigger the refractive index ratio of two primitive dielectrics of one-dimensional photonic crystals is the narrower the transmission band is .

    一维光子晶体的两基元介质折射率比值越大,产生的 透过 越窄;

  • The design of LC filter determines the transmission band width of the whole filtering means and the switching frequency of the device in the active power filter of current source .

    另外,在电流源有源滤波器中,LC滤波器的设计决定了整个滤波装置的 传输 带宽以及器件的开关频率。

  • By comparison the difference between diverse EOC schemes are data transmission band and modulation mode . Accordingly there are two modulation methods non-source base band transmission and source modulation transmission .

    不同EOC方案之间在技术上的最主要区别是对数据 传输采用不同的 频带和调制方式,据此可分为无源基带传输、有源调制传输两大类技术。

  • In this paper a theoretic analysis is given which indicates that information transmission density and transmission rate can be increased within a limited transmission frequency band by using symmetric ternary PCM technique .

    本文提出了采用对称三值逻辑PCM技术可以在有限的 传输 频带上提高信息传输密度和传输速率的理论分析。

  • As an important component part of the broadcasting television network the cable television network gets more attention because of its special characteristics such as its wide transmission band its extensive consumer range .

    作为广播电视网重要组成部分的有线电视网因其具有 传输 带宽、用户范围广等独特的优点而日益受到重视。

  • Because the contradiction between the magnanimous data of the new high resolution sensor and the limitation of channel bandwidth is more and more prominent to use online real-time highly effective image compression algorithm to reduce the transmission band width has been the inevitable choice .

    由于新一代高分辨率传感器所采集的海量数据和有限信道带宽的矛盾越来越突出,因此,采用在线、实时、高效的图像压缩算法来减少 传送 带宽就成为必然的选择。

  • The millimeter wave communication has good wave masking wider transmission band wider range of applications and good stability of communication .

    毫米波通信具有很好的电波掩蔽性, 传输 频带较宽,通信容量大,应用范围广,抗干扰能力强,通信稳定性好等优点。