transistor multiplier

[trænˈzɪstɚ ˈmʌltəˌplaɪɚ][trænˈsistə ˈmʌltəˌplaɪə]


  • With the help of the PN junction theory and the transistor principle the author analyzes the principle of operation of the simulated multiplier working in the state of stronger signal and concludes its related formula in this state ?

    本文利用PN结理论及 晶体管原理来分析工作在较大信号下模拟 相乘 的工作原理,推导出它工作于输入较大信号状态下的输出关系式。

  • A single-level perceptron network and field effect transistor circuit were used to make a digital / analogue-based synapse multiplier / adder .

    利用单层感知器网络、场效应 电路实现了一种新的数字模拟混合突触 乘法/加法器电路。

  • The Resistance Coupling Neuron MOS Transistor and It 's Difference Four-quadrant Analogue Multiplier

    电阻耦合型神经MOS 晶体管及其差分四象限模拟 乘法器