The Design of Group Amplifier in Transistor Carrier Communication
晶体管 载波通讯机群放大器的设计
In particular the combination of the field stop concept with the trench transistor cell results in an almost ideal carrier concentration for a device with minimum on-state voltage and lowest switching losses .
特别是场截止概念与挖槽 晶体管单元的结合能产生通态电压最小、开关损耗最低、 载流子浓度近乎理想的器件。
Low temperature models of current gain of the transistor are given which include apparent bandgap narrowing enhancement of emitter efficiency of poly-Si Auger recombination carrier freezing-out etc.
该模型考虑了低温下多子和少子的冻析效应、禁带变窄效应、 Auger复合、多晶硅发射效率增强效应等。
On Work Principle of Transistor and Movement Mode of Carrier in PN Junction
半导体PN结与 晶体管 中 载流子运动形式的讨论
This paper analyses the influence of hot carrier 's retrogradation on integrated circuit 's reliability and studies computer simulator technology quasi-constant voltage theory MOS transistor of LDD structure for the prevention of hot carrier retrogradation .
分析了热载流子退化现象对集成电路可靠性的影响,研究了改善热 载流子退化的计算机工艺模拟技术、按比例缩小的准恒定电压理论、LDD结构MOS 晶体管。
美[trænˈzɪstɚ ˈkæriɚ]英[trænˈsistə ˈkæriə]
[电] 晶体管载子