transient period

[ˈtrænʃənt ˈpɪriəd][ˈtrænziənt ˈpiəriəd]


  • The maximum deflection of plate increases with the increase of transient load period while the stress and the displacement of the plate decrease with the increase of foundation damping .

    黏弹性地基板的位移随 荷载作用 时间的增长而增大,应力和位移随地基阻尼增大而减小。

  • Its another advantage is that it can overcome the difficulty of large control signals existing in the transient period in the control scheme of reference 1 w_369 .

    其另一个优点是能有效克服1w_380中方案在 过渡 响应 阶段产生的过大控制信号问题。

  • Studies on the Initial Transient Period of Heterogeneous Asymmetric Catalytic Hydrogenation of Ethyl Pyruvate

    丙酮酸乙酯多相不对称催化加氢反应的初始 过渡 研究

  • Based on the relationship of node injection currents and branch currents network correlation coefficient matrix is introduced ; and a wide area measurement system ( WAMS ) based flow transferring identification algorithm with limited measurement points to distinguish flow transferring in transient period is presented .

    在分析节点注入电流变化引起支路电流变化对应关系的基础上,引入了网络相关度系数矩阵;提出了适用于系统 暂态 过程的支路电流计算方法与潮流转移识别算法。

  • Implantation window is the transient period when the embryos develop into blastocysts and the uterus differentiates into the receptive state synchronically .

    着床窗口是指当胚胎发育到胚泡阶段时,子宫也增殖和分化到可接受状态,二者相互作用使胚泡着床的 短暂 时间

  • The analysis results indicate that the transient performance of pump during starting period decreases evidently under cavitation condition ; cavitation performance of the pump has close relationship with flowrate rotational speed and impeller parameters .

    分析结果表明,启动 过程中的汽蚀现象使混流泵 瞬态性能迅速下降,汽蚀性能与流量、转速、叶轮参数等有密切关系。

  • Analysis on Transient Process in Low-Head Pumping Installation during Starting Period

    低扬程水泵装置 起动 过渡过程分析

  • In order to investigate the transient characteristics of pump during rapid starting period a small centrifugal pump with discharge diameter of 80 mm was tested . The test equipment and test method were introduced ; the steady performance and transient performance were presented .

    介绍离心泵快速启动试验装置和试验方法,对一台出口直径为 80mm的小型 管道离心泵进行试验研究,分别测试了试验泵的稳态性能和各项 瞬态性能,比较分析了两者的区别。

  • Transient anorexia in the immediate post-weaning period impairs the integrity of the mucosal epithelium and elevates markers of the inflammatory response ( Pie et al . 2004 ) .

    刚断奶 短暂的厌食症损害整个黏膜上皮并且提高炎症应答的标记。

  • For predicting accurately the transient hydrodynamic characteristics of centrifugal pump during rapid starting period the pump system dynamics model was established by using the method of bond graph .

    为了准确预测离心泵快速 启动 过程 瞬态水力特性,应用功率键合图法建立了离心泵系统动力学模型。

  • The mutism was transient in all the cases and its latent period and duration were 1.7 days and 56.2 days averagely .

    小脑性缄默均为 暂时性,发生的平均 潜伏期和持续时间分别为1.7d和56.2d。

  • A new fault line detection method for small current grounding system is presented which distills the transient information of zero sequence current by wavelet transformer and detects the fault line according to the energy of transient high - frequency components within a short period after fault .

    提出一种小电流接地系统故障选线的新方法,该方法用小波变换提取零序电流暂态信息,并依据故障后一定 时段内零序 电流 暂态高频分量的能量进行故障选线。

  • Due to the large transient peak sound pressure during an extremely short period shock noise can cause lots of harms . And corresponding safety criterions about shock noise have been composed all over the world .

    冲击噪声极大的 瞬态的声压峰值和 极短 持续 时间决定了其极大的危害性,世界各国经过试验都制定了相应的冲击噪声的安全标准。

  • We also find that there is a transient oscillation with period ta within the bistable region .

    还发现在双稳区内存在一种 周期为tR的 暂态振荡。

  • Numerical results were given and compared with the response of the plate under static and transient load on elastic foundation . Finally the influence of transient load period physical parameter of foundation and plate were discussed .

    计算和分析了板的位移响应情况,并和弹性地基静荷载情况的位移进行了比较,讨论了荷载作用 时间、地基参数及板参数等对位移 响应的影响。

  • Transient hydrodynamic performance of centrifugal pump during rapid starting period : Study of explicit characteristics

    离心泵快速启动 过程 瞬态水力特性&外特性研究

  • Analysis on Transient Performance of Mixed Flow Pump During Stopping Period

    混流泵停机 过程 瞬态 水力特性分析研究

  • The transient external characteristic and internal transient flow mechanism were investigated by combining Numerical simulation and experimental study providing the theoretical foundation for the control and optimization of unsteady flow during transient working period . 1 .

    采用数值计算和实验研究相结合的方法,对斜流泵瞬态外特性和内部瞬态流动机理进行研究,为斜流泵 瞬态工作 过程中的非定常流动控制和优化提供理论依据。

  • Recently it was shown that a transient blockade of glutamate NMDA receptors during the period of BGS induced potentiation of apoptosis in the different regional of brain . quick ;

    最近发现在大脑的快速发育 短暂的阻断NMDA受体在各个脑区都引起了增强的神经元细胞凋亡。

  • Transient hydraulic performance of a centrifugal pump during rapid starting period

    离心泵在启动 阶段 水力特性研究

  • The blocking high and transient disturbances in Mei-yu period of 1991

    1991年梅雨 阻塞高压的维持和 扰动

  • The soft control strategy utilizes the dc-link capacitor to absorb or release the transient energy during the fault or disturb period which will benefit the main control object such as power flow and bus voltage .

    该策略利用了直流侧电容能够在干扰 过程中,吸收或释放 系统中部分的 多余或不足的能量,从而有利于 稳定系统的主要控制目标,如线路潮流和母线电压。

  • Results 6 cases showed a transient decreased limb muscle power and 11 cases had transient aphasia in early period after operation but all recovered in 5 ~ 10 d later .

    结果术后 早期可见6例一过性肢体肌力减弱,11例一 失语,均在5 ̄10d内恢复;

  • A RL circuit is taken into consideration in which the transient current signal includes a period component varying in sinusoidal waveform and a non-period component varying in exponential waveform .

    该算法考虑了RL电路中的 暂态 电流,假设暂态电流含有一个按正弦规律变化的 周期分量和一个按指数规律变化的非周期分量。

  • It shows a flow pattern observed in transient state period . Comparing the data get from test with a transient state method in present we can evaluate the correction of the method .

    说明了在 阶段观察到的流型,并将试验得到的数据与现在的瞬态流方法相比较,从而评估此方法的正确性。

  • Centrifugal pump performance has obvious transient effect during rapid starting period and the pump hydrodynamic performance of transient process is different from that of steady-state process .

    离心泵在快速启动 过程中表现出明显的 瞬态 特性,其瞬态水力性能与稳态运行过程的性能存在较大区别,快速启动的试验研究对于离心泵在特殊场合应用打下重要基础。

  • In the process of dissemination breakup and atomization of liquid the transient period from primary breakup to secondary breakup is a very important phase .

    液体抛撒、破碎和雾化过程中,首次破碎向二次破碎 转化 过程是一个非常重要的阶段。

  • The transient dimensionless head curve deviating from steady-state dimensionless curve shows that the transient hydraulic characteristics during starting period do not have a similarity and the quasi steady-state method is not suitable for revealing the internal flow characteristics of the mixed-flow pump .

    瞬态无量纲扬程曲线偏离稳态无量纲曲线,说明启动 过程 瞬态水力特性不具有相似性,准稳态方法不适用于揭示斜流泵 瞬态工作过程的内流特性。

  • The investigation of the internal flow field in a SRM during the ignition transient period is of practical importance because the deep analysis of the transient internal flow field during the ignition period is useful to reduce the failure out of the ignition and improve the design .

    研究点火 瞬态的发动机 流场具有很重要的现实意义,这是因为:对点火瞬态内流场的深入分析可以有助于减少由于点火造成的故障,改进设计。