



  • Yet what is it about the tremolo which makes it so elusive to students ?

    那是什么让 指使学生们如此难以捉摸呢?

  • Tremolo is not a technique . It is an effect produced when a certain type of arpeggio is employed .


  • The most popular approach is the staccato tremolo .

    现在最流行的方法是断 练习

  • The tremolo is one of the most beautiful techniques of the classical guitar .


  • For anybody who bounces their tremolo will be a problem .

    如果谁的 右手 跳动, 那么 他的 轮指一定有问题。

  • Typically guitar riffs make use of fast tremolo picking and heavy palm muting for a percussive effect .

    通常,吉他反复段落用快速 和重度手掌闷 达到冲击效果。

  • Second on of the noun disyllabic words morphology research exploration medical term and the cause of the colloquial tremolo .

    其次,对名词中的复音词进行构词法研究,探索医学名词 复音化和口语化的原因。

  • With tremolo you should also practice softer sound harder sound .

    练习 轮指 演奏时,你也应该 着用大音量和 音量 弹奏

  • The sounds are like a kind of woodwind the same as the sound of the cranes but without the tremolo .

    它们的声音像一种管乐,和鹤的声音相似,不过没有 颤音

  • We use staccato in tremolo to ensure that the right hand fingers is properly prepared on the string before the next stroke .

    我们在 颤音中使用断奏是为了确定手指在弹奏下一次时在琴弦上已经做好准备。

  • Some people use a very different tremolo on the first string than when they move on to the second string .

    有些人在一弦和 二弦 演奏 轮指有很大的不同。

  • The introduction presents arpeggios on the harp against a string tremolo & an enchanting sonority . This goes for all arpeggio exercises : Never aim for speed .

    引子,在弦乐的 震音上竖琴奏出了琶音,一种迷人的音响。这是对琶音练习的建议,不要以速度为目标。

  • An organ stop producing a gentle tremolo effect .

    产生温和的 颤音作用的调音器。

  • Performers on the two instruments share some plucking techniques including rapidly wheeling the fingers of the right hand over a string to create a sustained tremolo effect .

    两种乐器的演奏者也使用一些相同的弹拨技法,包括用右手手指快速 来回拨动琴弦,制造出持续的 颤音效果。