


  • The areas under effect-time curve ( AUE ) of hemodynamics were calculated by time as X-axis and changes of BP and HR during the observation as Y-axis .

    以时间为横坐标及观察期BP和HR的变化为 坐标计算气管插管后观察期血流动力学时-效关系曲线下面积(AUE)。

  • Py And finally we can look at the2 p y so the highest probability is going to be along the y-axis .

    最后我们来看一下,概率密度最高的是沿着 y

  • The easiest of all probably is to just go first along the x-axis to and then go up parallel to the y-axis .

    最简单的会是,首先沿x轴到,然后平行于 y 走。

  • Studied the X-axis Y-axis A-axis movement control mode of fiber connector polisher console .

    研究了光纤连接器研磨机操作台X轴、 Y 、A轴的运动控制方式。

  • In the table below the token on the X-axis can follow the token on the Y-axis if their meeting place is marked with an X.

    在下面的表格中,若X轴上的符号和 Y 上的 符号 对应的交界处用X作了记号,则相应X 上的符号可以 Y 上符号的后面。

  • 28 . The amplitude of x-axis is almost the same as that y-axis . Exercise .

    28,以及 1925 1940期间 小于 0 .09的过程,Chandler项在X、 Y两个方向的振幅几乎完全相等,其 逆向运动振幅不到顺向运动振幅的1/50。

  • Analyses of the shear type and the three-dimensional deformation demonstrate that the QDSZ belongs to a lengthening-broadening shear zone with the lengthening quite obvious along the Y-axis .

    剪切作用类型及三维参照变形分析表明,青邑韧性剪切带属加长一变宽类型的一般剪切带并且在 Y 方向上有所增长。

  • A positioning signal is received by a low-pass filter ( 103 ) that produces filtered position data for driving the X-and Y-axis translation stages .

    定位信号由低通滤波器(103)接收,低通滤波器(103)产生滤波后的位置数据以驱动X与 Y 平移台座。

  • Naturally enterprises want to move up the Y-axis but they are sometimes hesitant to relinquish much control ( move to the right on the X-axis ) in order to do so .

    当然,企业希望沿着 Y 上升,但有时,他们不愿意为了做到这一点而放弃太多的控制权(在X轴上向右侧移动)。

  • To make the section lines parallel with the Y-axis by turning the figure ;

    将图形进行旋转,使剖面线与 Y 平行。

  • And5 on the x-and y-axis .

    4和5,6,7,8都打在了 xy 上。

  • Notice that you are using the largest number value calculated earlier to label the Y-axis .

    注意,要使用前面计算的最大值来标记 Y

  • Plot distance on the vertical Y-axis against time on the horizontal x-axis .

    以垂直 y 表示距离,而以水平x轴表示时间。

  • In the example below the y-axis plots the amplitude which has a maximum of1 while the y2-axis plots the phase which has a maximum value of100 .

    在下面的示例中, y 绘制振幅,最大值为1,y2轴绘制相位,最大值为100。

  • Just to add some interesting effects rotate the box around the x-and y-axis at different rates .

    只添加一些有意思的效果,使立方体基于x和 y 旋转不同的角度。

  • Consequently apricot seeds should be compressed along Y-axis and be dried properly in advance so as to prevent almond breaking .

    所以,杏核脱壳应选择沿 Y 方向 施压,并在 脱壳前对杏核进行适当的干燥以避免核仁被破坏。

  • In this paper we show that in Raman spectrum of uniaxial crystals for nonpolar mode and A ( z ) ( or B ( z )) mode under any scattering geometry x-axis and y-axis are always equivalent .

    本文表明,单轴晶体的喇曼光谱,对于非极性模和A(z)(或B(z))模,在各种几何配置下,x轴和 y 都是等效的。

  • The y-axis represents to the elapsed time taken for the transaction in milliseconds .

    y 表示事务所需时间,以毫秒为单位。

  • X-Y working platform can be move along X-axis and Y-axis .

    X-Y工作台是 分别沿着X向和 Y 移动的工作台。

  • You can do this kind of filtering by changing the values on the Y-axis .

    您可以通过更改 Y 的值进行此类筛选。

  • I 'm simply drawing a few lines and some text along the Y-axis .

    仅仅在 Y 上画了几条线和一些文本。

  • You also define gravity as the y-axis through a call to setGravity .

    此外,通过调用setGravity来将重力定义为 y

  • You can also change the units on the Y-axis .

    您还可以更改 Y 上的单位。

  • At the top of the file I create a version of the ITransform interface that transforms dollar values along the Y-axis and transforms day values along the X-axis into SVG points .

    文件的一开始创建了ITransform接口的一个版本,它把美元值沿着 Y 、当日价格沿着X轴转化成SVG的点。

  • The axis attribute allows you to specify the layout orientation either along the x-axis or the y-axis while the spacing attribute allows you to control the spacing between components .

    axis属性可用于指定布局方向,它的值可以是x-axis或 y-axis,而spacing属性可用于控制组件之间的间距。

  • What point in the plane x X-axis is foobar y-axis ought to be foobass something else right ?

    在平面中指向哪个点呢?,轴是foobar的?,does,p,now,point,to?,而 y 应该是其他一些 foobass的,对不对?我知道这看起来像一个?

  • The first box rotates around the y-axis and the second box rotates around the x-axis .

    第一个立方体是围绕 y 旋转,而第二个立方体则围绕x轴旋转。

  • Next let us give titles to the graph ( My First Graph ) and the axes ( x-axis is angle in degrees and y-axis is sin ( angle )) .

    接着,将图命名为(“MyFirstGraph”),并命名轴(x轴是“angle,indegrees”, y 是“sin(angle)”)。

  • Y-Axis is driven by a digital AC servomotor ;

    Y 采用全数字交流电机伺服驱动;