


  • The analysis of word formation and auto recognition strategy about trisyllabic verbs in Tibetan

    评价的形成性问题 藏语 动词 构词分析及自动识别方法

  • Firstly LL and FL rules are unstable in trisyllabic sequences mainly due to the effect of stress .

    个主要 发现:首先,LL和FL在 中已不稳定,主要原因是由于重音对变调 运用影响的 加大

  • Tone extraction and recognition of trisyllabic word is more difficult than that of isolated word because it holds the characteristic of syllable in continuous speech .

    字词 音节 声调 模式具有连续语音中音节 声调 模式的特征,声调的提取和识别远较孤立字困难。

  • An approach of the pitch detection for obtaining speech tone of Chinese trisyllabic words on the basis of the wavelet transforms is proposed .

    给出了一种基于小波变换的汉语 字词基音提取方法。

  • But it 's the place where a new series of myths will be created and the name of Wembley will again echo in trisyllabic glory in the hearts and minds of England and the footballing world .

    但在这里新的传奇系列 将被创造。温 布利的名字仍会被光荣地铭记在英格兰和整个足球世界里。

  • This article from the perspectives of the function and form ferrets out the rise and decline of the trisyllabic verse in Han and Wei dynasties and the close relation to the heptasyllabic verse .


  • The phonological analysis shows that the same markedness constraint holds true both in tone sandhi and neutral tones in trisyllabic sequence which supports the hypothesis that tone sandhi and neutral tones are correlated with each other . Three .

    结果表明标记性制约条件低调既适用于连读变调又适用于 声音 的音系分析,因此两者之间有密切相关。

  • On the Structure of Trisyllabic - word in Modern Chinese

    现代汉语 音节词结构探微

  • Acoustic analysis of prosodic features of trisyllabic words in Uyghur language

    维吾尔语 音节词韵律特征声学分析

  • And analysis the combined trait of morphemes construed the trisyllabic verbs .

    分析了构成 动词的内部语素组合特点;

  • Tone Pattern Analysis of Chinese Trisyllabic Word

    汉语 字词声调的模式分析

  • Syntactic structures have no effect on the stress patterns of trisyllabic words .

    重音 格式不受词的 内部句法结构影响, 而是韵律 单位 边缘决定。