




  • Yes your son often plays truant ; but I think AS long AS you are patient with him he 'll come around .

    是的,你儿子经常 逃学;但我认为只要你耐心待他,他会回心转意的。

  • Mother gave me a dressing down for playing truant .

    母亲因为我 逃学把我 了一顿。

  • Those boys promised not to play truant again .

    那些男孩答应不再 逃学

  • For a moment I thought of playing truant .

    逃学的念头在我 脑子 了一下。

  • How dared you to play truant !

    你竟敢 逃学

  • Little Franz was scolded by his teacher out of playing truant .

    由于 逃学小弗朗士受到教师的责骂。

  • Truant schoolboys ; the soldier was AWOL for almost a week .


  • Tommy played truant today . His teacher called me this morning .

    汤米今天 逃课了,他的老师早上打电话给我了。

  • In my last year I played truant a lot .

    我在最后一年常 逃学

  • His bruise was a trick to play truant from school .

    他以瘀伤作为 逃学

  • He was reprimanded for playing truant .

    他因 逃学而受严斥。

  • My father gave me a thick ear when he heard I 'd been playing truant .

    我父亲知道我一直 逃学时,打了我一记耳光。

  • Tom and his father had a man-to-man talk about his playing truant .

    汤姆和他父亲开诚布公地谈了他 逃学的问题。

  • In his fourth year he was truanting regularly .

    四年级 ,他 频频 旷课

  • She plays truant now and then .

    她时不时的 逃学

  • Feel blue today so I have played truant .

    今天心情不好,所以我 逃课了。

  • Afraid of being scolded for a moment little Franz thought of playing truant .

    因为害怕挨骂,小弗朗兹一时起了 逃学的念头。

  • How far did the boy travel while playing truant ?

    小男孩在 逃学 过程中旅行了多远?

  • She interceded with the teacher for her son who 'd been playing truant .

    她为 逃学的儿子向老师 讲情

  • We decided to play truant and not go to school that day .

    我们决定那天 逃学不去上课。

  • The child was punished for playing truant .

    孩子 逃学受到惩罚。

  • I found the truant throwing stones in the river .

    我发现那个 逃学 孩子在往河里扔石子。

  • Imagine your child played truant .

    假想你的孩子 逃学

  • She will become hopeless once she gets into the habit of playing truant .

    她一旦养成 逃学的习惯就没希望了。

  • The boys playing truant cooked up an excuse to explain their absence from school .


  • She was getting into trouble over playing truant from school .

    她因 逃课而惹了麻烦。

  • How did you know I was a truant officer ?

    你看我 检查 逃学的训导员吗?

  • The boy gave the teacher a song and danced about his being ill as an excuse for playing truant .

    那男孩对老师撒谎说他病了,以此用为他 逃学的借口。

  • These three students played truant again .

    这三个学生又 逃学了。