That baseline is too funky and I love the triumphant horns .
那一底线太古怪了,我喜欢 胜利的号角声。
Soon we shall be victorious and triumphant !
很快我们就胜利 在望了!
The painting was recovered and went on a triumphant tour of Italy before it was returned to Paris .
在它回到巴黎之前,克在意大利进行了一次 胜利的巡回展览。
But he emerged from this moment of crisis triumphant .
但他从 狂欢的危机中解脱出来。
His triumphant return after his epic voyage .
他在史诗般航行后的 胜利归来。
Like a triumphant child I showed her the safety pin .
像一个 兴高采烈的孩子,我给她看那扣针。
She made a triumphant return to the stage after several years working in television .
在电视行业工作了几年后,她 满载 荣誉 地回到了舞台。
I exclaimed in rather a triumphant tone .
我叫着,简直是一种 胜利的腔调。
But that is to my mind not a particularly triumphant accomplishment .
然而,这在我的心目中算不上一个特别 值得 庆贺的成果。
After a few moments she turned with a triumphant smile to the wizard .
过了一会儿,她转过身面对法师,露出一个 胜利的微笑。
She turned to him with a triumphant smile and their hands clasped under her veil .
梅脸上带着 得意的微笑转向他,两人的手在她的面纱底下握在了一起。
The army made a triumphant entry into the enemy 's capital .
部队 胜利 地进入敌方首都。
Dave stood there speechless with fury as Clarence strode off triumphant .
戴夫站在那里,气得说不出话来。克拉伦斯却迈着大步, 得意洋洋 地走开了。
She gave me a triumphant glance in passing me .
她走过我身边, 得意洋洋地瞟了我一眼。
There 's a triumphant note in his gravelly voice .
他低沉沙哑的声音中透露出一丝 洋洋得意。
Claud was triumphant bursting with pride and excitement .
克劳德 得意洋洋充满了自豪与兴奋。
The captain 's voice was triumphant
上校的声音听 上去 万分 得意 。
Triumphant songs were heard everywhere .
This trip was not like his first triumphant return home in 1990 .
这趟行程不同于他1990年的首次 衣锦还乡。
Rejoicing crowds filled the streets on VJ Day ; a triumphal success ; a triumphant shout .
欣喜的人群挤满了庆祝二战对日作战 胜利纪念日的街道;令人欢欣的胜利; 喜悦的欢呼。
The victorious general made a triumphant return .
这位打了胜仗的将军 凯旋而归。
Pinkerton is back her love is triumphant .
平克顿回来了,她的爱情 胜利了。
Hers is a moving and ultimately triumphant story .
她的事迹是一个感人肺腑的、最终 获得 成功的故事。
Melanie managed a small smile but it was a triumphant one as her eyes met scarlett 's again .
媚兰尽力露出一丝 放心 的 隐隐的微笑,但这是 胜利的微笑,这时她的目光和思嘉的眼光又一次相遇了。
Duncan and his triumphant soldiers celebrate their military victory
邓肯和他 那些 欢欣鼓舞的士兵们庆祝他们取得了军事胜利。
I felt triumphant !
我感到 欢欣鼓舞!
Are we mistaken and is Dant è s triumphant in spite of all we have believed ?
别是我们弄错了,唐太斯 得胜了吧?
Her husband was triumphant he had her .
她丈夫 胜利了。他 主宰着她。
Our leaders are planning a triumphant return . Poets have already been engaged to tell our heroic story .
我们的将领们正在计划 凯旋。诗人们已经忙着讲他们的英雄故事了。
His daughter gazes after him triumphant .
他女儿 得意 地凝视着他的背影。