


  • Bruce is a New Yorker ; that is he lives in New York .

    布鲁斯是 纽约 ,也就是说,他现在住在纽约。

  • The brisk New Yorker tries again .

    这个活泼的 纽约 又试了一次。

  • Or any new Yorker who 's never been arrested .

    没有被逮捕过的 纽约

  • A cartoonist for the new yorker .

    他是 纽约一位漫画家。

  • Why do you go around dressed like a tourist when you 're really a native New Yorker ?

    你既然是本地 ,那你为何把自己装扮成 游人的模样四处走呀!

  • Shortly after we met Warren Buffett loaned me this collection of New Yorker business articles from the 1950s and 1960s . I loved them as much as he did .

    沃伦巴菲特和我在短暂会面后,他借了我这本集合了 纽约 20世纪50年代到60年代财经文章的合订本。

  • A new Yorker might pity the third-world businessman who must pay bribes just to keep his shop open .

    一个 纽约 市民看到第三世界的商人必须行贿才能保证自己的商店正常营业时,他可能会同情。

  • I 'd love to write a piece on you for the new yorker .

    我很乐意为你在“ 纽约 写篇文章。

  • He writes reviews for the new yorker .

    他为《 纽约 撰写评论 文章

  • He did cartoons and covers for the new Yorker magazine .

    他为《 纽约 杂志画漫画和设计封面。

  • Does this library have new yorker magazine ?

    这图书馆有《 纽约 》这份杂志吗?

  • Magazines such as The New Yorker and The New Republic wrote stories on him .

    诸如《 纽约 新共和国》等杂志都写了关于他的文章。

  • He asked me questions and read the New Yorker .

    他对我嘘寒问暖, 喜欢读《 纽约 杂志

  • I 'm currently registered as the New Yorker 's Beijing correspondent This message is beamed to Beijing .

    我现在注册的身份是《 纽约 的北京通讯记者。

  • He wanted to imitate a leading journal such us the new yorker .

    他想效法 纽约 那样的主要期刊。

  • New York may not be a tourist attraction to a New Yorker but for a Londoner it may have many charms .

    对纽约 而言, 纽约可能不是一个旅游胜地,但对一个伦敦人来说,它却可能有许多吸引人的地方。

  • I totally soundlike a new yorker .

    我连说话都像个 纽约 了。

  • He dropped that and called David Remnick the editor of The New Yorker .

    他停下来,给《 纽约 杂志的主编戴维·雷姆尼克(David Remnick)打去电话。

  • And whether your parents were born here or you came here yesterday you are a New Yorker .

    不管是你的双亲生长于此,还是你昨天才来,你都是 纽约

  • This would mark New Yorker Wuorinen 's second world premiere at City Opera .

    这将是 纽约作曲家沃里宁的作品第二次在纽约市歌剧院举行世界首演。

  • John is a New Yorker that is he lives in New York .

    约翰是 纽约 ,就是说他住在纽约。

  • But loves a hotshot New Yorker who sounds good on the phone .

    但是喜欢 纽约的能人,这些人在电话里听着不错。

  • Indeed one New Yorker actually links her arm with mine as we walk .

    事实上,一个 纽约 甚至在我们一起走路的时候把她的胳膊和我挎在了一起。

  • My wife 's a native New yorker but I 'm from atlanta .

    我妻子是 纽约本地 ,而我来自亚特兰大。

  • You must be tired . I 've reserved a room for you at the hotel new yorker .

    你一定累了吧,我已经在 纽约饭店为你订了一间房间。

  • But you 're a new yorker ?

    你是 纽约

  • A Londoner has more difficulty understanding a Scotsman than understanding a New Yorker .

    一个伦敦人理解一个苏格兰人比理解一个 纽约 更难。