your lordship

[jʊr ˈlɔrdˌʃɪp][jɔ: ˈlɔ:dˌʃɪp]

[法] 高等法院法官阁下

  • I am coming to tell your lordship that your orders have been obeyed .

    我来禀告 阁下:你的命令已经执行完毕。

  • It is an honor to guard your lordship tonight .

    今晚很荣幸保卫 大人

  • Lodovico . Truly an obedient lady : I do beseech your lordship call her back .

    罗多维科真是一位顺从的夫人。将军,请 叫她回来吧。

  • Canst thou deem it Hester a consolation that I must stand up in my pulpit and meet so many eyes turned upward to my face as if the light of heaven were beaming from it ! Your lordship 's fame is well known to me .

    我不得不站在布道坛上,迎着那么多仰望着我的面孔的眼睛,似乎我脸上在发散天国之光! 阁下 大名,久仰久仰。

  • May we bring all the issues of life under your lordship and care .

    但愿我们把生活中的事情一一带 主权和看顾下。

  • I am about to do so your lordship .

    我正准备如此, 上。

  • It is a great pleasure to welcome your lordship this evening .

    今晚 大驾光临使 万分荣幸。

  • What was the word your lordship used ?

    大人 之前是怎么说的?

  • This is the basis of our case your lordship .

    这是我们案子基本 有的大人

  • No deceiving your Lordship with anything second rate .

    什么次货都骗不过 大人

  • Your lordship is merciful of course . But it is a great responsibility to depart from the usual practice .

    主教 大人慈悲为怀&这自然 的。可是违背惯例是要负重大责任的。

  • I 'm not scared anymore your lordship and I 'm not alone .

    我不再害怕了, 大人,而且我也不是一个人。

  • 1 have told your lordship all there is bearing on the matter .

    我已经向 阁下 禀报 有关此事的全部情况。

  • Your lordship the child 's grandfather died some months ago .

    法官 大人,这孩子的祖父几个月前过世了。

  • If your Lordship will give me time I will produce the evidence .

    如果 阁下愿意给我时间,我就能拿出证据来。

  • My name is Richard Savage your Lordship

    尊敬 阁下,我叫 理查德·萨维奇