zero signal

[ˈzɪro ˈsɪɡnəl][ˈziərəu ˈsiɡnəl]


  • The measurement principle of this measurement system is discussed . Secondly a signal processing algorithm is designed for the absolute distance measurement system performed with frequency-sweeping interferometry . The algorithm uses the zero position of the signal to extract the period or frequency of the signal .

    其次,设计了一种针对频率扫描绝对距离测量系统的信号处理算法,该算法利用 信号 零点位置提取信号的周期或频率。

  • For the epitaxial layer with about 10 μ m thickness and 0.5 Ω - cm resistivity the additional errors in measuriug surface impurity concentrations will approach zero when the signal frequency is decreased to about 0.1 MH_z .

    对于外延层厚度约10μm、电阻率约0.5Ω·cm的样品,把频率降低到 0.1MHz左右,表面杂质浓度测量的附加误差接近于

  • Objective : To study the zero signal point in the MRI inversion recovery technology .

    目的:研究核磁共振成像反转恢复技术中 信号点。

  • Main features of measuring device are to mechanically zero collect synchronous signal of system and output turret azimuth angle .

    炮塔方位角测量装置由精密传动机构和角位移测量仪组成,其主要功能是可以机械 、按系统同步 信号进行采集并输出炮塔方位角。

  • Designed based on computer processor Auto cold junction compensation Auto zero calibration and nonlinear signal linearization ensure measure Accuracy .

    采用单片机技术,结合自动冷端补偿,自动稳 及非线性处理技术,确保其在全 量程测量精确性。

  • The algorithm is also processed toward zero shrink to avoid useful signal being filtered out as noise .

    并且对阈值进行向 收缩处理,防止有用 信息当作噪声滤除。

  • Analysis of the PID Control Strategy of the Zero Value of Input Signal

    输入 信号 零值的PID控制策略的分析

  • Based on the deep study of the mathematics morphology elementary theory and primary algorithm the paper studies that the open and shut combination filtering algorithm carry on denoise of zero sequence current signal .

    本文在深入分析数学形态学基本理论和基本算法的基础上,研究利用数学形态开、闭组合滤波算法对 零序电流 信号进行滤波消噪。

  • A new embedded zero tree wavelet ECG signal coding algorithm

    一种新的嵌入 树小波ECG 信号编码算法

  • The key to this scheme is to use the zero crossing for output signal of fiber optical gyro .

    此方案利用光纤陀螺输出 信号 特性,把位相检测过渡为 时域 信号 检测

  • Pulse generator generates 2.5 Gbit / s non-return zero ( NRZ ) pulse signal which is used to externally modulate amplified spontaneous emission ( ASE ) broadband source and then optical signal is fed into optical encoder to spread spectrum .

    脉冲发生器产生2.5Gbit/s的非归 (NRZ)脉冲 信号,外调制放大自发辐射(ASE)宽带光源后,通过光环行器进入光编码器进行光信号的扩频编码。

  • Though analyzing the characteristic of the fault signals ( zero sequence voltage and zero sequence current signal ) a method for collecting transient fault signals is suggested .

    本文首先分析故障信号(零序电压和 零序电流 信号)的特征,然后根据该信号的特征提出故障暂态信号采集方法。

  • Magnetic Encoder Investigation with Zero Pulse Signal

    脉冲高 分辨率磁编码器的研制

  • Methods : Using the MRI inversion recovery technology systemically in theory and get the mathematical expression of the zero signal point .

    方法:从理论上对核磁共振成像反转恢复技术进行系统研究,获得 信号点的数学表达式。

  • First the zero sequence transient current signal sampled is enhanced and then the signal enhanced is decomposed by using wavelet packet analysis to realize faulty line detection .

    首先对采样的 零序暂态电流 信号做增强处理,然后利用小波包分析方法进行故障选线。

  • The steps are repeated until the mean envelope is close to zero and the residue signal is called IMF .

    重复这个迭代过程,直到 信号的上下包络均值 ,就得到了 信号中包含的本征模态函数。

  • Signal Analysis and Detection Based on Zero Crossing Signal

    基于 零点 信号分析与检测

  • It converts the digital intermediate frequency signal down to zero intermediate frequency signal and lessens the signal rate to the rate which the DSP processor can handle .

    它将数字中频信号下变频至 中频 信号,并使信号速率降至通用DSP器件能够处理的速率。

  • And to explore the differences between zero MSG and zero voluntary muscle signal ( ZVMS ) as well as its meaning for the improvement of the muscle function .

    探讨临床检查的零肌力与 电信号间的差别,以及对该肌肉自主活动恢复的意义。

  • In order to prevent from data fault during power failure grating torque sensor provides absolute zero position signal with zero position grating .

    光栅扭矩传感器采用零位光栅提供绝对 信号,以防止掉电时数据出错。

  • With the development of micro fabrication and nano technology the demand for ultrahigh resolution positioning is becoming more and more important . It is also very important to provide a zero reference signal for absolute measurement in these areas .

    随着微电子工业和纳米加工技术的飞速发展,对超高精度的定位基准的要求也越来越高,绝对坐标系下的参考 基准是非常重要的。

  • A reset controller consists of a continuous baseline controller and a reset mechanism which resets part of the controller states to zero whenever some triggering signal crosses certain surface .

    重置控制由一个连续的基线性系统和一个重置律组成,当触发 信号穿越某个面时,将控制器的部分状态重置

  • The results for a set of zero drift signal of the laser gyro by various filtering methods using Allan variance showed that this method could shorten the computation time remarkably without influence on denoising .

    用Allan方差法对一组激光陀螺实测 信号的不同方法滤波效果分析结果表明,该滤波法能在不影响滤波效果的前提下较大幅度减少计算量。

  • The sensitivity corrected zero dose regenerated signal is within 5 % of the sensitivity corrected natural signal implies that the recuperation is negligible .

    校正后, OGy再生剂量释 信号与自然信号的比率都在5%以下, 信号的回复可以忽略不计。

  • The research about zero signal point in the MRI inversion recovery technology

    关于MRI反转恢复技术中 信号点的研究

  • A number of debugging experiments on zero signal of the grating and frequency value of the electric machinery are carried out .

    针对此控制系统硬件进行了多项调试实验,如光栅 信号实验、电机频率值实验等。

  • Partial disturbed zero output signal

    半选干扰 0输出 信号

  • The pulse position represents the zero position of continuous modulated signal and the amplitude and width of the laser light pulse remain unchanged .

    该方法是通过用等周期脉冲调制激光光波来代替连续光强调制激光光波,即脉冲出现的位置代表原连续调制 信号 零点位置,而激光光波脉冲的幅度和宽度不变。