


  • I have plates with family crests unworn signet rings and little-used silver with my wife 's family 's monogram all zealously guarded .

    我有印着 家徽的盘子,未磨损的图章戒指以及很少使用的带有我妻子家人字母组合的银具,所有的东西都被疯狂 加了印。

  • She worked zealously to raise funds for the literacy project .

    积极工作, 以为扫盲工程筹集资金。

  • See how the peasants who hitherto detested the schools are today zealously setting up evening classes !

    试看农民一向痛恶学校,如今 努力 夜学

  • At last the woman brought out a photograph of their son dusting it zealously with her long sleeve .

    最后老妇人拿出儿子的一张照片,一个 用她的长袖子拂去灰尘。

  • He has seemed at times to stand in the incremental tradition of Disraeli or Macmillan paternalistic and not zealously ideological ;

    有时他似乎代替了迪斯雷利(Disraeli)或者麦克米伦(Macmillan)增长着的传统,家长式的不 狂热的意识形态;

  • For when I do I will zealously inspect all things which enter my body my mind my soul and my heart .

    只有这样,我才会 认真检查进入我的身体,思想,精神,头脑,灵魂,心怀的一切东西。

  • The males guard their mates zealously .

    雄性动物 死死 守护着他们的配偶。

  • Buffett has always prioritized the success of his company over his own personal success in terms of financial returns he said which may be why he tells his management team that their top priority is to zealously guard Berkshire 's reputation .

    在财政收入方面, 较于个人成功,巴菲特总是更看重公司所取得的成功。他说这可能就是为什么他告诉自己的管理团队首要考虑的是 积极保护伯克希尔的名誉。

  • We zealously welcome the join of elites in PVC fields as we always do .

    公司将一如既往以 开阔 胸怀 笑迎 业界精英的加盟。

  • Our company insist on four faith of Technology Quality Innovation Service zealously welcome you come to our company and create good future together .

    我公司始终 实在在的坚持以“技术、质量、创新、服务”四大理念, 热忱欢迎广大 客商的到来,我们 愿意与您携手共进、再创辉煌!

  • In this part I have progressed zealously attempt in analytic methods and realizing techniques .

    完备 实现 数据 转换模块,从分析方法和实现技术上进行了 积极的尝试。

  • Multinationals are zealously adapting their products to appeal to China 's exploding consumer market .

    为迎合中国蓬勃发展的消费市场,跨国公司正在 积极调整自己的产品。

  • A zealously energetic person ( especially a salesman ) .

    一个 热心的积极的人(特别是一个推销员)。

  • But it is good to be zealously affected always in a good thing and not only when I am present with you .

    在善事上, 常用 热心 待人是好的,却不单我与你们同在的时候才这样。

  • The helpful inmate had departed without one backward glance to gather up the meed of gratitude if any were in the hearts of those whom she had served so zealously .

    这个大有助益的亲人离去了,根本没有回过头来看一眼应得的感谢&如果她刚刚如此 热心 过力的那些人的心中肯于感激她的话。

  • Not forgetting my covenant with God I began to serve Him zealously .

    我没有忘记我跟主所立的约,开始 火热 事主

  • The actress Greta Garbo always zealously guarded her privacy .

    女演员格里塔嘉定总是 全力捍卫她的隐私。

  • A lawyer should represent a client zealously within the bounds of the law .

    律师应当在法律范围内 热忱的为当事人代理。

  • We hope zealously that we can cooperate with the client domestic or overseas and build a comprehensive relationship between us .

    我们 热忱希望与国内外客户 携手合作,建立广泛的合作关系。

  • General Manager Guilin Qian zealously welcomes new and old consumers'arrival supervising and sincere cooperation .

    总经理钱桂林先生 热忱欢迎新老客户莅临指导,真诚合作。

  • They zealously affect you but not well ; yea they would exclude you that ye might affect them .

    那些人 热心 你们,却不是好意,是要离间(原文作把你们 外面)你们,叫你们 热心 他们。

  • If you would like to come I will zealously serve for you !

    如果你愿意来,我一定会 热忱 为你服务的!

  • The company welcome you to come this visit zealously to instruct Discusses together our both sides business matters concerned .

    公司 热忱欢迎您来此参观指导,共商我们双方的商贸事宜。

  • To matters of domestic concernment which it has entrusted to the Federal Government and to such as relate to our intercourse with foreign nations I shall zealously devote myself ; beyond those limits I shall never pass .

    我将以 极度 热心投入到那些委托给联邦政府的国内事务,以及我们同外国交往有关的事务中;而我将决不逾越这些界限。

  • Strangers network zealously by exchanging cards and mobile numbers whether at weddings or on a train ride .

    不管是在婚礼上,还是在乘坐火车时,陌生人都通过交换名片和电话号码 积极 拓展 人脉

  • Zealously welcome the domestic and foreign new old customers coming person incoming letter discussion service in order to communal development .
