


  • Instead of zeroing in on what some did wrong they pay attention to the things people do well .

    不是 紧盯某一个人做错了什么,而是更关注那些做对了的人。

  • In my experience testing the app I found that Firefly was flawless in zeroing in on book or video game covers but struggled when tasked with identifying common items such as food or cleaning supplies .

    在我亲自测试这款应用的过程中,我发现它在识别图书、视频游戏封面上,可以 算得上是 ,但是在识别一般日常用品比如食品和清洁用品时,有时却不是很顺利。

  • Earthing and Zeroing Analysis in the TN - C System

    TN&C系统中的接地和 分析

  • The MESSENGER spacecraft is zeroing in on Venus for the most significant gravity assist maneuver of its long journey to Mercury .

    为此次“信使”号在前往水星的长途旅程中最重要的引力机动,飞船正在对金星进行 校正

  • The Study on the Transformation of Zeroing 's Legal Status in the Multilateral Trading System


  • If you 're reporting on an issue rather than an event first get the reader interested by zeroing in on the main players and their conflict .

    如果你在就某争议问题做报告而非某事件,那么首先你要让读者注意到 主角和他们之间的冲突。

  • While zeroing in on their third Dragon Ball Goku and Bulma find themselves on a beautiful uncharted island .

    向着第三颗龙珠不断逼近的小悟空和 布尔玛来到了一座美丽的无名小岛上。

  • Alternately emptying or zeroing your hosts files will have the same effect .

    或者将主机文件清空或 清零,这会有同样的效果。

  • The paper points out that due to the limited validity of award by the DSB and the slow progress of the global trade liberization it still has a long way to go for the abolishment of the zeroing .

    鉴于“归 ”争端的历史及其不公平性,于现阶段DSB裁决的效力的局限及国际贸易自由化的缓慢进程,“ 的完全消除之路仍然漫长。

  • Rick got the Hellcat in his sights even while Karen was zeroing in on another Inorganic an Odeon that had been circling toward the children by the fire pit .

    瑞克一直 紧盯着地狱猫,而凯伦正在对另一只无机兽进行射击 调整,那只奥迪昂兽正围着火堆旁的孩子们兜圈。

  • A volley of litigation has sought to prevent the US from using controversial zeroing which permits it to disregard inconvenient data when calculating anti-dumping duties .

    宗申诉寻求制止美国采用有争议的 ,即在计算反倾销关税时剔除对自己不利的数据。

  • Second zeroing is the focus of the negotiation of anti-dumping .

    第二,在进行的多哈 回合谈判中, 方法是反倾销谈判中 争论的焦点。

  • Zeroing is a methodology which some countries calculate dumping margins during the period of anti-dumping investigation .


  • A new M_ZERO flag for malloc allows for memory allocation and zeroing in a single operation .


  • Now we 're going to start zeroing in on exactly how you can align your mental environment in order to accept the risk and function like a professional trader .

    现在让我们认真 看看 究竟你要如何调整你的思想以接受风险并像专业交易者那么运作。

  • Digital Peak-Hold and Push Button Zeroing aid in improving testing productivity and reducing errors .

    数字式在改进测试的生产力和减少的错误峰顶举行和电钮 援助。

  • The appeals body upheld a ruling by a WTO judicial panel that the US had failed to comply with rulings against its use of zeroing when calculating the size of antidumping duties .

    上诉机构维持了世贸组织一个专家小组的裁决,即美国在计算反倾销税尺度时,没有遵守禁止其使用“ ”的裁决。

  • However these studies focus only on the analysis of the case relevant to zeroing and not referring to the theories and practice of anti-dumping .

    但是这些研究大多集中在归 方法 个别案例的分析上,而没有从 整体上分析和梳理 方法所涉及到国际反倾销理论和实践问题。

  • So the researchers have been zeroing in on specific attractants that could be used to lure mosquitoes into a trap .

    因此研究人员把 目标 在研究一种可以用来将蚊子引进陷阱的特殊“诱饵”上。

  • The average dark current is often eliminated by means of a zeroing circuit .

    平均暗电流常利用 电路消除。

  • Markets have been zeroing in on conflicts in Syria which could potentially push gold higher .

    叙利亚爆发的冲突一直 牵动着市场,有可能会推高金价。

  • The US zeroing methodology is opposed by all other members of the WTO but it commands strong support in the US Congress and among companies such as steel producers that compete with imports .

    所有其它世贸组织成员均反对美国的 法,但美国国会、钢铁制造商等面临进口产品竞争的企业大力支持这一方法。

  • However the specific method of comparison is not provided by the Tokyo Round Anti-dumping Code which provides Zeroing with applicable space .

    但是,东京回合《反倾销守则》却没有规定具体的比较方法,这给适用 提供了空间。

  • A bird zeroing in on a flag-footed bug perched on a passionflower might see the flutter of red flags & the insect 's attempt to divert the hunter 's bite to nonessential limbs away from its vital core .

    一只鸟瞄准在 西番莲上面栖息着一只旗足虫可能看见摆动的红色“旗帜”&昆虫的企图转移猎人的咬一口非必须的肢臂,从它的至关重要的核心远离。

  • In those cases the panel and appellate body analyzed the legality of ' zeroing ' used in different process stages of US anti-dumping investigation .

    在这些案件中,专家小组和上诉机构对于 在美国反倾销调查不同程序阶段中的合法性进行了深入分析。

  • WTO judicial panels and the appellate body have issued rulings against a range of aspects of zeroing in US trade law .

    世贸组织专家小组和上诉机构已作出不止一项裁决,反对美国贸易法中涉及 的多个层面。

  • Kind of like zeroing in on a precision target .

    种一样,在 上精确的目标。

  • The system includes the modules of data acquiring digital filtering data conversion digital zeroing and adjusting .

    该系统包括数据采集、字滤波、据转换、字调 和校准等模块。