



  • Align the installation reference marks on the propeller shaft and yoke and install the propeller shaft .

    对准传动轴和 上安装参考标记,安装传递轴。

  • We have ridded the earth of his shadow and liberated its peoples from his yoke .

    我们把他的影子从地球上消除尽净,把世界上的人民从他的 压迫下解放出来。

  • I have seen the freest among you wear their freedom as a yoke and a handcuff .

    我曾看见你们之中最自由者,把自由像 铐似的戴上。

  • Having smashed the yoke of the feudal serfdom the broad masses of serfs and slaves obtained political and national equal rights .

    广大农奴和奴隶砸碎了封建农奴制的 枷锁后,获得了政治平等权利和民族平等权利。

  • Simple single yoke construction eliminates outside gearing and bearings .

    简单的单 结构,避免采用外部齿轮和轴承。

  • Their heritage from generation to generation is the belled yoke and the lash .

    他们代代承袭的是带着促铃的颈 和叱鞭。

  • That you shall shake his yoke from off your neck .

    将由你的颈上,摆脱他的 束缚

  • We suffered for years under the yoke of that woman .

    我们和那女人是多年的 朋友

  • He had got his neck out of the yoke of matrimony .

    他已经摆脱了婚姻的 枷锁

  • Bolted yoke ? Yoke is bolted to body .

    螺栓 ?轭架是通过螺栓安装在阀体上。

  • Then Hananiah the prophet took the yoke from off the prophet Jeremiah 's neck and brake it .

    于是,先知哈拿尼雅将先知耶利米颈项上的 下来,折断了。

  • The shackles of love are freedom 's most oppressive yoke she said .

    “爱的锁链是自由最沉重的 羁绊”她说。

  • Remove intake manifold yoke retainer and aligning yokes .

    拆下进气歧管、 护圈,并对正叉臂轭。

  • Farmers and politicians are yoked by money and votes .

    农场主和政客被金钱和选票 在了 一起

  • My sins have been bound into a yoke ; by his hands they were woven together .

    我罪过的轭是他手所绑的, 犹如 缚在我颈项上。

  • They have thrown off the yoke of colonial rule .

    他们已经挣脱了殖民统治的 枷锁

  • People are still suffering under the yoke of slavery

    人们仍然生活在奴隶制的 枷锁之下。

  • He will put an iron yoke on your neck until he has destroyed you .

    他必把铁 在你的颈项上,直到将你灭绝。

  • The youngster has freed himself from the yoke of drug addiction .

    那个少年摆脱了 毒瘾 控制

  • A miniature electromagnetic yoke was developed for the inspection and maintenance of the complex components of planes .

    针对航空维修中飞机复杂构件检测维护的特点,研制了适用于 外场作业的微型电磁

  • For my yoke is easy and my burden is light .

    因为我的 是容易的,我的担子是轻省的。

  • The introduction attempts to yoke the pieces together

    导言部分试图将各部分硬 拼凑在一起。

  • Tag location for gate and globe valves is typically on the valve yoke or body / bonnet flange .

    闸阀和截止阀的标签位置通常在阀门 或阀体/盖法兰上。

  • The Auto Pact yoked Ontario into the United States economy

    《汽车协定》 强行将安大略纳入了美国的经济体系中。

  • The plow was pulled by a yoke of oxen .

    一对公牛同 拉着一头犁。

  • The boy soon learned how to yoke the horses together .

    那男孩很快学会了如何 把马套在一起。

  • Some designs incorporate a two-piece bonnet and yoke .

    一些结构有两件式阀盖和 组成。

  • For my yoke is sweet and my burden light .

    因为我的 是柔和的,我的担子是轻松的。

  • Install the straps and bolts to hold the propeller shaft to the yoke .

    安装扣夹和螺栓,将传动轴固定到 上。