tube support plate

[tub səˈpɔrt plet][tju:b səˈpɔ:t pleit]


  • After optimizing the structural parameters the best structure of tube bundle was achieved . At last the method of numerical simulation was used to simulate two different kinds of support plate . The conclusion obtained can guide the engineering application .

    最后运用数值模拟的方法对两种不同 支撑 结构进行局部数值模拟,得到了 有益的结论,能够指导工程应用。

  • The impacting force between tube and support plate is one of the parameters which plays a vital role in the prediction of tube fretting wear rate .

    影响管子磨损的因素很多,关键参数之一是 管子支承 间的碰撞力。

  • The center distance of U-shape pipe should keep consistent with that of tube plate and support plate .

    U形管的中心距和 板、 支持 的中心距必须保持一致。

  • The analysis and experimental study of impacting force of the tube against support plate in heat exchangers

    换热器传热 支承 间碰撞力的分析和实验研究

  • For simplicity the truss-beam model was applied for the vessel and the tube bundle . For the flow distribution plate the support plates and the lower deck plate the plate model was applied .

    壳体采用杆-梁(或 )模型,流量分配板、 支撑板和二、三级汽水分离器的下 盖板采用板模型。

  • The design safety of steam generators in NPP is described including selection of heat transfer tube material support plate material and structural design anti-vibration bar material and structural design design of the joint between tube and tubesheet and the improving design of thermohydraulic structure .

    介绍了核电厂蒸汽发生器设计中应考虑的安全问题,包括传热 材料的选择、 支撑 材料与结构设计、防振架材料与结构设计、管子与管板的连接和热工水力结构的改进设计。