



  • The main sound elements for the cave troll were a walrus a tiger and a horse .

    山洞反复 回响的声音 实际上是海象、老虎和马的叫声合成出来的。

  • Furthermore the troll incident casts a suspicious light on Professor Snape whom Harry notices sneaking off toward the third floor .

    事件 也是哈利对斯内普教授产生了怀疑,哈利注意到他偷偷的溜到了四楼。

  • Troll 's exclusive personalized luggage is made to our own exacting specifications in heavy-duty PVC / nylon


  • Unfortunately for you that 's when the giant bearded troll comes out .

    然而 更加不幸的是,这个时候留着大胡子的 巨人 粉墨登场了。

  • Some ice troll warlords are charismatic and savvy enough to impose more sophisticated tactics on their warriors .

    一些冰霜 巨魔 督军 拥有很强大的能力和头脑,让其他战士作出很有 战略性的行动。

  • The game engine will evaluate the script and link this behavior to the cowardly troll .

    游戏引擎将会计算这个脚本并把这个行为和胆怯的 巨人 关联

  • Harry thought flint looked as if he had some Troll blood in him .

    哈利觉得马库斯看上去似乎有几分 的血统。

  • Blizzard must have liked the name because they accidentally took the name afterward for the troll god .

    玻璃渣一定很喜欢这个名字,因为他们有意无意地把这个名字送给了一个 魔神

  • Some ice troll mercenaries and slaves reach Lordaeron and Kalimdor through the goblin merchant empire .

    一些冰霜 巨魔跟着地精商人到达过洛丹伦和卡利姆多。

  • After Troll Ormen Lange is the second largest gas field on the Norwegian continental shelf .

    OrmenLange天然气田是挪威大陆架内继 Troll气田之后的第二大天然气田。

  • Who are you ? The crime scene troll ?

    你又是谁?犯罪现场 控制

  • In moments I transformed my digitized self into an aqua-haired Troll Doll .

    没过多一会儿,我就把照片中的自己变成了有着水亮头发的 巨魔娃娃。

  • Don 't be a troll you should know better .


  • Ice trolls are a subspecies of troll that lives in cold climates .

    冰霜巨魔是一种生活在寒冷气候中的 巨魔亚种。

  • What is she doing talking to that troll ?

    她到底在和 她们说什么呢?

  • He rowed her ashore and then continued trolling around the lake .

    他拢岸让她下船,然后继续 悠闲地在湖上划着。

  • Troll Male off-hand items are now the same size as the main hand item .

    男性 巨魔现在副手武器的大小和主手武器一样了。

  • Call and ask for the troll our visitor coordinator to schedule a visit .

    请电话和咨询“ 轮唱”,让我们的访问协调者安排一个访问日程。

  • By troll do you mean payton ?


  • This year 's list of top ten patent troll targets was published today in a Fortune magazine feature story about RPX Corp. ( RPXC ) which compiled the statistics .

    今天,《财富》杂志在一篇关于专利集成公司 RPXCorp的专题报道中公布了这家公司统计、编撰的2014年专利流氓十大目标公司名单。

  • Permanent buff increases damage to150 % and sets troll to confused state .

    永久性增益,增加伤害到150%,并且使 巨魔处于困惑状态。

  • I smell a Hindu troll .

    我问道印度 阿三的味道了。

  • As most of you have now guessed the Troll 's mount is currently a raptor .

    就如大家所猜一样, 巨魔的坐骑目前是一种猛禽。

  • I hope that donkey doesn 't have a heinie troll .

    我希望那个驴子没有 屁屁圈。

  • Trolling through the files revealed a photograph of me drinking coffee in the office .

    随便 浏览文件时发现了一张我在办公室喝咖啡的照片。

  • And an old troll wish you a Happy Halloween !

    以及 淘气的老 侏儒 在祝你万圣节快乐!

  • Leslie : If we had a troll hunter we could track its scent and sneak up on it .

    莱斯利:如果我们有一个 巨魔猎人,我们可以跟踪其气味和偷袭它。

  • Races allowed to become Hunters are the Night Elf Dwarf Orc Tauren and Troll races .

    暗夜精灵、矮人、兽人、牛头和 巨魔可以扮演这个职业。

  • I trolled along to see Michael Frayn 's play ' Noises Off '

    我慢悠悠 走着去看迈克尔·弗莱恩的戏剧《糊涂戏班》。