

n.琐事,不足道的细枝末节(中世纪大学的)三学科( trivium的名词复数)薄物细故

  • If we are obsessed with or bothered by trivia all day we can 't accomplish any important work .

    如果一天到晚都被 琐事 纷纷扰扰地困惑、打扰,那我们是很难完成什么重要工作的。

  • She has an encyclopaedic knowledge of pop trivia .

    她对流行音乐的 细微末节无所不知。

  • You can discover the neglected life trivia in walking .

    在行走中发现平时忽略的生活 细节

  • Features kids games Olympics trivia spotlights on United States athletes cartoons and coloring pages .

    展示小孩比赛,奥林匹克 小事,美国运动员上的聚光灯,动画片,和着色页。

  • A syntax node always contains a combination of other nodes tokens and trivia .

    语法节点总会是包含其它节点、令牌和 琐碎 内容的组合。

  • Trivia game is designed for you to memorize better the states'map name and shape .


  • This intervention is no simple weather trivia .

    这种干预可就不是天气状况 之类 小事了。

  • The newspaper is now weighted in favour of trivia .

    这份报纸如今倾向于报道 一些 花边 消息

  • Mr. Rosenberg said the roadshow for these projects included an M.C. trivia games and prizes .

    罗森伯格说,为这些项目所做的巡回宣传中也包括主持人互动 游戏和奖品。

  • You can 't be going through the day distracted by trivia .

    你不能在一天中因 琐事分心。

  • Here 's a trivia question : Do you know what 's the busiest time for most customer service representatives ?

    这里有一个 问题:你知道什么时候是大部份顾客服务人员最忙的时候吗?

  • In the download section of this page there is a sports trivia game ( a low level and a more challenging level ) you can try with your students .

    在本页的下载部分,有一个关于体育运动 点滴的游戏,你可以和你的学生们一起玩这个游戏。

  • 5 things you didn 't know about * : Find out how much you don 't know about the Java platform in this series dedicated to turning Java technology trivia into useful programming tips .

    “您不知道的5件事”:在本系列中发现关于Java平台您不知道的事情,本系列致力于将Java技术 琐事变成有用的编程技巧。

  • The author is clever at elucidating such grand themes like society and life through meaningful trivia .

    擅长 攫取具有 典型意义的 生活 琐事,藉以阐发社会和人生的宏大主题。

  • They just ask a bunch of trivia questions about programming and give points for correct answers .

    他们只会问一堆 琐碎的编程问题,答对就加分。

  • Other times the announcer will pose a baseball trivia question .

    其他时候,广播员就构成了棒球 鸡毛蒜皮的问题。

  • You can have that priceless piece of cinematic trivia absolutely free .

    你能免费得到这个无价的 影坛 趣事

  • She likes to chatter incessantly about flirting husband-hunting officers and other trivia .

    她喜欢毫不顾及地谈论调情、找老公和 花边新闻。

  • Here 's a bit of trivia for you : What was Veterans Day originally called ?

    有个小问题 你:老兵纪念日最初叫什么?

  • A bit of lexicographical trivia for you there .

    一个对你有位辞书 琐事

  • But the interesting part was a separate experiment in which the trivia was saved in generically named folders such as Facts Data and Info .

    但有趣的部分是一个单独实验,实验中 信息被存储于笼统命名的文件夹里,比如事实、数据和信息。

  • Today with the Full Moon in your chart area of everyday communications you may get bogged down in trivia .

    今天的满月在你的交流宫,你可能在 琐事上陷入困境。

  • I can 't understand why they show so much emotion over trivia .

    我不明白他们为什么对 琐碎 小事那么动情。

  • The syntax tree consists of syntax nodes tokens and trivia .

    语法树是由语法节点、令牌和 一些 琐碎 内容trivia)组成的。

  • We don 't want to overwhelm with trivia ; but to some degree of useful division of time and resources .

    我们不想被 琐事压垮;但在某种程度上 应该擅于把时间和资源划分成 小块

  • Their quarrels about the trivia are always interminable .

    他们对 琐事的争吵总是没完没了。

  • The two men chatted about such trivia as their favourite kinds of fast food

    这两个男人闲聊了些诸如彼此最喜欢的快餐这样的 琐事

  • Would you like to join my team for the trivia quiz ?

    这次 智力竞赛你愿意参加我的队吗。

  • And she gives him a wonderful outlet for his thoughts and trivia that other people never seems to have the of day for .

    她则可以给他一个极好的途径去宣泄他任何的想法和 琐事这些似乎是其他人永远也不会有时间给的。

  • You will find it easier to sort out all the trivia that comes your way .

    你会发现分类 处理每天 面临 琐事将变得很容易。