



  • A model of durable tolerance of sport turf was established in this study according to on-the-spot sampling together with and different treatments of trampling .

    本文通过对 足球 和高尔夫球场的现场测定取样和 运动 草坪 践踏的不同研究方法,制定了一个简单、量化的耐用强度模型。

  • Therefore the research on introduction and domestication of turfgrass should be the focus in turf science currently .

    因此,草坪草的引种与驯化是当前 草坪科学的研究重点。

  • On its home turf the combined bank would be unrivalled .

    那家联合银行在它 自己 地盘 就无可匹敌了。

  • Position the turf at one side and then unroll the lawn to the preferred length and trim .


  • Viewers could smell popcorn and hot dogs and they could smell and feel the turf .

    观众可以闻到爆米花和热狗的味道,也可以嗅到与感受到 草皮的存在。

  • The estate is at the centre of a bitter turf war between rival drug gangs .

    该地产正处于两伙敌对的毒品犯罪团伙激烈 火拼的中心地带。

  • My man was killed right here on your turf .

    我的人在你的 地盘被杀了。

  • If you were in their shoes the turf might not look so lush and inviting .

    如果你处于和他们一样的状况, 草地可能不看起来如此苍翠繁茂和引人动心的。

  • Both sides say this is more than just a turf war between big and small banks .

    双方都称这不仅仅是大小银行 地盘这么简单的问题。

  • Sod or turf might not seem like a farm crop .

    草皮或 草地,似乎并不像是一种农场作物。

  • My father used a special spade for digging turf .

    我父亲用一把特别的铲子挖 草皮

  • Turf and drought-resistant vegetation are mainly used for greening .

    绿化主要以 草皮、抗旱植物为主。

  • Local drought-resistant vegetation is used as greening turf .

    绿化 草皮选用当地耐旱植被。

  • The seed does not complain because there are stones and turf in way .

    种子没有抱怨,因为在它的道路上有石头和 草皮。正:种子并不因为有石头和 草皮 挡住它的路而抱怨。

  • They shuffled slowly down the turf towards the cliff 's edge .

    他们拖着脚步沿着 草皮慢慢地走向悬崖边。

  • Already there was among our nobility and gentry a passion for the amusements of the turf .

    赛马在我们的贵族和中上阶层中已是一种倍受 的娱乐活动了。

  • Because of the dampness there 's no turf to speak of and now we have nothing to burn .

    因为天气潮湿,我们现在连 草皮都没有得烧了。

  • A herd of goats was nibbling the turf around the base of the tower

    一群山羊在啃塔基四周的 草皮

  • He squelched across the turf

    他扑哧扑哧地走过 草皮

  • The growth rate and moving biomass of Kentucky bluegrass turf were affected by the quantity of nitrogen fertilizer .

    氮肥用量是提高草地早熟禾 草坪生长速率和修剪量的主要因素。

  • Their turf was Paris : its streets theaters homes and parks

    巴黎是他们的 地盘:那里熟悉的大街、剧院、住宅和公园。

  • We made a fire of turf and wood in the middle and fried our sausages on the stones .

    我们用 干草和木材在正中间生起火,在石头上烤香肠。

  • The gymnastics team won the championship on home turf .

    体操队在本国 赛场获得了冠军。

  • Traffic tolerance is critical for assessing quality and life span of sports turf .

    耐践踏性是影响运动 草坪运动质量和使用寿命的关键。

  • I never ever want to see you on my turf again .

    我不想在我的 地盘上再看到你们。

  • Lift the turfs carefully — they can be reused elsewhere .

    草皮 小心点——它们还能在别处重新利用。

  • Low-growing plants planted in deep shade or on a steep slope where turf is difficult to grow .

    贴近地面生长的植物,种植在荫蔽处或 草皮难以生长的陡峭的斜坡上。

  • Master you 're on my turf .

    师父,都到了我的 地盘了。

  • Leather overshoes were put on the horses ' hooves to stop them marking the turf

    马蹄上套了皮套子,以免弄脏 赛马

  • The hallowed turf of Twickenham is the venue for the Middlesex Rugby Sevens Finals

    备受尊崇的特 威肯纳姆体育场是米德尔塞克斯七人制橄榄球赛决赛的比赛场地。