turbulent flow

[ˈtɚbjələnt flo][ˈtə:bjulənt fləu]


  • Study on Aero-Optical Distortion Simulation of High Refraction Index Gradient Regions in Hypersonic Turbulent Flow

    高超声速 湍流 流场高折射率梯度区域气动光学畸变仿真研究

  • Numerical Investigation on Turbulent Flow and Mass Dispersion Through Porous Media with High Porosity The pore volumes and the amounts of pore water also may vary considerably in actively expelling source beds .

    大孔隙率多孔介质 湍流 流动和质量弥散的数值研究在排烃作用活跃的烃源岩中,孔隙体积和孔隙水的数量也会发生很大的变化。

  • Turbulent flow field is computed for the merging of streams using two and three-dimensional simulations which are achieved employing Cartesian coordinates BFC and a cut cell method .

    湍流 流场计算的合并使用两种流和三维模拟,这是实现雇用笛卡尔坐标,总部外协调局和减少细胞的方法。

  • The software FLUENT for3D viscous turbulent flow is used to analyze the influence of gravity on flow field analysis and hydraulic performance evaluation of bulb turbine .

    本文采用黏性三维 湍流 流动分析法,通过Fluent软件分析了重力场对灯泡贯流式水轮机流场分析和水力性能预估的影响。

  • Numerical simulation of 3D turbulent flow in equality screw-pitch Inducer


  • Faetor is analyses the impact of pneumatic turbulent flow on the infrared guidance missile detector .

    分析了气动 湍流对红外导引头探测性能的影响。

  • For the laminar flow of Non-newtonian fluids some drag reduction like turbulent flow has been found .

    为探讨高分子稀溶液管 流动减阻提供了理论依据。

  • In order to get the3D turbulent flow structures in vortex pump a test rig was set up .

    为获得旋流泵内部三维 流场的真实情况,设计制造了模型泵并构造了试验装置。

  • Rheology of Waxy Crude Oil and Drop Breakage and Drop Size Distribution of Oil-Water Emulsion in Turbulent Flow Field

    含蜡原油的流变性和 流场中油水乳液液滴破碎及其粒径分布

  • A Study of the Turbulent Flow and Displacement Mechanics for Non-Newtonian Fluids in a Pipe

    非牛顿流体圆管 紊流 流动及顶替机理研究

  • The turbulent flow in a straight channel was numerically simulated with LES of algebraic modelling .

    该模型首先用于直槽道内的 湍流 运动的数值模拟。

  • The instability would invariably cause a turbulent flow that would transport angular momentum outward and dissipate gravitational binding energy .

    这个不稳定性一定可造成 乱流,向外传送角动量,并消耗重力束缚能。

  • Convection : convection boundary layer convection transport equation laminar and turbulent flow in tubes external and internal natural convection .

    热对流:对流边界层,对流传输方程式,管中之层流与 紊流 流动,外部与内部自然对流。

  • A mathematical model and corresponding computational results describing the three-dimensional turbulent flow thermal dispersion and inclusion behavior in tundish were presented in this study .

    本文介绍连铸中间包内钢液 流动、温度分布和夹杂物行为等三元 传输过程的 三维体系数学模型及其部分计算结果。

  • The measurement results are more satisfactory in turbulent flow than in laminar one .

    湍流 的测量结果相对层流更令人满意。

  • Numerical Simulation of 2-D Incompressible Turbulent Flow over a Backward-Facing Step-Effects of Wall Temperature

    平面不可压后台阶 湍流 流动的数值模拟&壁面温度的影响

  • The characteristics of turbulent flow in a high pressure turbine cascade were investigated experimentally .

    本文对一种高压涡轮导向叶栅中的 紊流特性进行了实验研究。

  • Large Eddy Simulation of Particle Motion in Shear Turbulent Flow Due to Thermal Buoyancy

    存在热浮力的剪切 湍流中颗粒 运动的大涡模拟

  • The turbulent flow in2 D mixed compression supersonic inlet is simulated by numerical method .

    对二元混压超音速进气道 湍流 流场进行了数值模拟。

  • Theoretical Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Dense Compressible Gas-Solid Two-Phase Turbulent Flow

    密相可压气固两相 湍流 流动的理论分析及其数值模拟

  • Freezing and heat transfer characteristics of turbulent flow of surface water in freezing latent heat exchanger

    凝固换热器中地表水 紊流冻结与换热特性

  • Then the comparison of experimental and calculated results shows the simplified turbulent flow model method has relative good agreement .

    通过与实验值的对比,采用了符合较好的简化 湍流模型进行计算。

  • This paper presents the separation shock motion features induced by a hemicylindrically blunted fin in a hypersonic turbulent flow .

    给出半圆柱前缘舵诱导的高超声速 湍流分离激波运动特性。

  • The paper presents a model of turbulent flow which can exactly provide data of the characteristic length and velocity of turbulent flow .

    本文介绍的 紊流模型能准确提供特征速度和特征长度参数的数值。

  • The result shows that : the flow on slope covered by grass is turbulent flow or transition flow ;

    结果表明,有草被覆盖的坡面 层流的流态基本上 过渡流和 紊流

  • Experimental study on the turbulent flow in a swirl combustion chamber by using particle image velocimetry ;

    应用该模型对 旋流燃烧室内的丙烷湍流燃烧进行了 数值 模拟

  • Numerical simulation on three-dimensional turbulent flow in a exhaust gas turbine stage cascade for supercharged marine boiler

    船用增压锅炉烟气涡轮级叶栅三维 湍流 流动的数值模拟

  • CDIPSAR algorithm on compressible and dense gas solid two phase turbulent flow is developed .

    在DIPSAR算法的基础上,推导了适用于可压密相气固两相 湍流 流动数值计算的CDIPSAR算法。

  • Numerical Simulation of Internal Turbulent Flow in Ghost Centrifugal Impeller

    Ghost离心叶轮内部 湍流 流动数值模拟

  • Turbulent flow over an oscillating dimple was studied using present numerical scheme and the periodic generation of vortical structures was analyzed .

    其次,作为初步应用,利用该方法研究了 湍流中周期振动凹坑所产生的 流动结构。