type complex

[taɪp kəmˈplɛks][taip ˈkɔmpleks]

[计] 复数类型

  • The formulation selection property indexes and adding quantity of new type multielemental complex additives were described .

    叙述了 新型多元素齿轮油 复合添加剂的配方筛选、性能指标和用量;

  • In addition the atom orbit of each kind of o hybrid fashion is analyzed from which we deduce that only lanthanides or actinides elements as central atoms can form the ML_ ( 11 ) type complex .

    只有镧系或者锕系元素作为中央体时,才能形成ML(11) 配合

  • Fault diagnosis for new type complex photoelectric equipment

    新型 复杂光电仪器的故障诊断方法研究

  • Mobile Equilibrium Method for Determination of the True Composition and Stability Constant of β - type Complex of Scandium with Chlorophosphonazo-mN

    平衡移动法测定β 钪-间硝基偶氮氯膦 配合物真实组成和稳定常数的研究

  • The Study of the New Type Complex Fead Additives

    新型 复合饲料添加剂的研究

  • In this paper the possibility of pressure oxidation processing for the sulphide-bearing carbonate type complex uranium ore is expounded proceeding from the chemical behaviours of pyrite sulphide and carbonate minerals in leaching process and through analysis of orthogonal array test results .

    本文从黄铁矿类硫化矿物和碳酸盐类矿物在浸出过程中的化学行为出发,通过正交试验结果分析,阐述了含硫碳酸盐 复杂铀矿石加压氧化处理的可能性。

  • An approximate solution methods of an irregular oblique derivative problem for the nonlinear elliptic type complex equation of second order

    二阶非线性 椭圆型 方程的非正则斜微商边值问题的一种近似解法

  • There are already massive researches about sole type complex networks but the research work which mutually affected between the different types of networks are certainly seldom .

    单一 类型 复杂网络已经有大量研究成果,而对不同类型网络间相互作用的研究工作并不多见。

  • The establishment of material constitutive model and simulation analysis will provide a reference for simulation and production of the same type complex parts .

    材料本构关系模型的建立和模拟分析将为同 类型 复杂零件的模拟与生产提供参考。

  • Study on the structure and conductivity of nanocrystalline thin film of perovskite type complex oxide

    钙钛矿 复合氧化物材料钙钛矿复合氧化物纳米陶瓷薄膜材料的结构与导电性

  • A new type complex network - combat network - is represented under assumption of random duel which is a directed bipartite graph made up of two types of nodes and the shoot-and-dead relations between them .

    本文提出一种基于随机格斗假设的 新型 复杂网络&交战网络,它是一个由代表红蓝对抗单元的节点和表示攻击与杀伤交战关系的边构成的有向二部图。

  • Synthesis and gas sensitive properties of a new type complex with ammonia sensitivity

    一种 新型氨敏 配合 的合成和气敏特性


    钙钛矿 复合氧化物纳米陶瓷薄膜材料的结构与导电性超细 钙钛矿 复合氧化物的制备和性能研究

  • Finally the paper introduces the binding function of both simple type and complex type of Dataset data .

    把XML数据流或文本加载到DataSet。并介绍了DataSet在实现简单 数据绑定和 复杂性数据绑定作用和具体实现方法。

  • Moreover this technology is better applied to the drilling into shallow complex formation within 50m especially to the core drilling into the II type complex stratum .

    该技术适合于50m以内浅部复杂地层,特别是Ⅱ 复杂地层钻探取芯。

  • A discussion of the σ hybrid of ml_ ( 11 ) type complex central atoms

    ML(11) 配合 中央体的σ杂化研究

  • The Application of the New Type Complex Sealing Rings for Hydraulic Turbine Main Shaft Sealing

    新型水轮机主轴密封 组合 密封环的应用

  • Gansu province is located in the northern China ? where climate type complex the changeable weather large temperature difference . 95 % of cold air which affect china go through Gansu .

    甘肃地处我国北方,气候 类型 复杂,天气多变,温差较大,影响中国的冷空气约95%从甘肃省经过。

  • Synthesize new type complex Quercetin Germanium in accordance with the literature related and test the products by infrared spectrometry and UV-Via absorption spectrometry .

    在红外光谱图和紫外光谱图的监测下按照相关文献合成了 新型 配合 槲皮素锗。

  • As one type of complex system applied in the field of engineering and technology electromechanical complex system ( MCS ) is discussed for its properties at an new angle of view in this paper .

    机电 复杂系统是复杂系统在工程技术领域的重要研究对象。

  • The rare earth distribution patterns in the original rock of formative weathering type complex clay ore weathering ore and extracted product were studied and their distribution patterns don 't have inheritance .

    研究了形成风化 混合粘土矿的原岩、风化壳矿石和提取产品的稀土配分,它们不具有继承性。

  • We can also specify xs : assert on xs : restriction or xs : extension when defining a complex type with complex content ( xs : complexContent ) or simple content ( xs : simpleContent ) .

    我们还可以在使用 复杂内容(xs:complexContent)或简单内容(xs:simpleContent)定义复杂 类型时对xs:restriction或xs:extension指定xs:assert。

  • The final type complex is probably not as recognizable to most programmers because it is not a common built-in data type in other programming language .

    最后一 类型 complex可能是大多数程序员难以识别的,因为它不是其他编程语言中常见的内置数据类型。

  • The tea polysaccharide is a mixture of the same type of complex and changeable elements .

    茶多糖复合物通常称为茶多糖,是一 组成成分 复杂且变化较大的混合物。

  • The photometric character of ternary system for scandium-chlorophosphonazo-m-Nn-octyl pyridine bromide is studied and the optimum condition of determining scandium is found as β - type complex .

    本文研究了钪间硝基偶氮氯膦溴化正辛基吡啶三元体系的光度特性,并确定了在该体系中以日 络合物进行测定的最佳条件。

  • For a type of complex competition diffusion system with two species the existence of monotone traveling wave solutions is investigated from an unstable equilibrium to a stable one .

    对一 复杂的两种群竞争扩散系统,在系统参数满足一定的条件下,讨论了从一个不稳定平衡态到另一个稳定平衡态之间的单调行波解的存在性。

  • A new type complex V-belt was proposed considering deficiencies of the existing V-belts .

    针对现存各种V带的不足,提出了一种 新型 结构 复合V带,进行了组合理论及强度计算方法研究,对样品传动滑差性能和寿命进行了的试验。

  • Do you type many complex commands double check every spelling and laugh at the notion of combining pictures with words on the screen ?

    你是否要 敲入很多 复杂的命令,仔细检查每个单词的拼写,觉得在文字中加入图片简直是异想天开的想法?

  • A study on new type complex wear resistant material containing cast WC granules

    新型铸造WC颗粒 复合耐磨材料的研究

  • Generalized DC type boundary value problem for quasilinear elliptic type complex equations of first order ;

    现进一步讨论二阶拟线性 椭圆型方程在含梯度项情况下爆炸解的存在性。