


  • Modern pharmacological studies suggest that it possesses antimicrobial and antiviral actions and has been used widely to treat cold fever chronic tonsillitis acute tympanitis urinary tract infection and other inflammations .

    现代药理研究表明,金莲花具有抗菌、抗病毒等活性,广泛用于治疗感冒、发烧、慢性扁桃体炎、急性 鼓膜 、尿路感染和其他炎症。

  • Conclusion : In the outpatient service treats the suppurative tympanitis with the reasonable method to be extremely important .

    结论:门诊中用合理的方法治疗化脓性 中耳 极其重要。

  • Results : The statistics of these cases show that 41.0 present of BIH was caused by fever and respiratory infection 34.6 present by medicament and 5.1 present by tympanitis .

    结果:在促发因素中,发热性疾病或呼吸道感染占41.0%,药物因素占34.6%, 中耳 5.1%。

  • Of 6 patients with postlingual deafness chronic suppurative tympanitis was seen in one case ( 2 ears ) and inner ear ossification in one case ( 2 ears ) .

    另6例语后聋成人中检出1例2耳慢性化脓性 中耳 ,1例2耳内耳骨化。

  • HRCT Evaluation of Cholesteatomatous Tympanitis

    胆脂瘤型 中耳 HRCT评价

  • As to knowledge most of medical professionals knew the relationship between lung cancer heart disease and smoking but less than 50 % knew the relationship between childhood tympanitis sudden infant death syndrome and passive smoking .

    知识方面,对吸烟与肺癌、缺血性心脏病的关系 掌握 较好,但对被动吸烟与儿童 中耳 和猝死综合症关系 回答 正确 41.5%和48.2%;

  • Objective : To study the effect and mechanism of Shenlian Ear Drops ( SLED ) a composite preparation of Chinese herbal medicine in treating chronic pyogenic tympanitis ( CPT ) .

    目的:探讨中药复方参连滴耳液治疗慢性化脓性 中耳 的疗效和机制。

  • The clinical data of19 cases of secret tympanitis were reviewed .

    回顾分析19例隐匿 中耳 患者的病例资料。

  • Approach to myringorupture of children with acute tympanitis

    儿童急性 中耳 鼓膜穿孔的探讨

  • Study Objective Approach to the features of acute tympanitis in children and the way of the prevention and cure of myringorupture .

    研究目的探讨儿童急性 中耳 的特征和鼓膜穿孔的防治途径。处理方法分别研究了122例儿童急性 中耳 患者的发病年龄、性别、症状特征及鼓膜穿孔的 位置形状大小和治疗效果。

  • Tympanitis medical history may cause the drum room canyon department formerly to drill the membrane plump proliferation to shut discussed .

    既往 中耳 病史可使鼓室峡部钻膜肥厚增生而闭谈。

  • Conclusion On diagnosis of glomus tympanicum tumors MRI is prior to CT especially in patient with glomus tympanicum and tympanitis .

    结论MRI对鼓室球瘤的显示优于CT,伴有 中耳乳突炎时MRI优势更明显。

  • Methods The HRCT features of 36 cases of chronic Tympanitis proved by surgery were studied and compared with the surgical and pathology findings .

    方法对手术证实的36例慢性 中耳 患者术前进行HRCT扫描并与手术病理结果对照分析。

  • The cause and influencing factors of exudative tympanitis post radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma

    鼻咽癌放疗后渗出性 中耳 的原因及影响因素

  • Methylprednisolone in treatment of 34 children with secretory tympanitis

    甲泼尼龙治疗小儿分泌性 中耳 34例 临床 观察

  • Conclusion : HRCT could better show the location nature and range of chronic tympanitis lesion especially the change of ossicular chain and can provide information for clinical treatment and surgery .

    结论:HRCT对慢性 中耳 病变部位、性质及 累及范围能 作出正确的诊断,尤其是听骨链的改变,对临床治疗及制定手术计划提供良好的信息。

  • Results : 1.The bony destruction of facial nerve canal followed cholesteatomatous tympanitis was most seen ( 91 % ) .

    结果:1.胆脂瘤型 中耳 继发的面神经骨管破坏最多(91%);

  • HRCT in Diagnosing the Bony Destruction of Facial Nerve Canal Followed Tympanitis

    中耳 发面神经骨管破坏的HRCT诊断

  • Methods : HRCT data of 44 patients with chronic tympanitis were collected in the study .

    方法:搜集慢性 中耳 患者44例的HRCT检查资料,其中 26例手术治疗。

  • METHODS : Thirty patients ( M 19 F 11 ; age 32 ± s 17 a ) with pyogenic tympanitis were put into nearby the perforating side of the tympanic membrane with PAP 1 or 2 pills qd for 2 wk .

    方法:化脓性 中耳 30例(男性19例,女性11例;年龄32± s17a),用吡哌 滴丸1~2丸放至鼓膜穿孔处,每日换药1次;

  • Major reason is acute tympanitis to cause wait for cure through antibiotic tympanic incision most patient can restore .

    大部分原因为急性 中耳 引起,通过抗生素、鼓膜切开等治疗,多数患者可以恢复。

  • Objective : Compared with surgical pathology findings to investigate the HRCT appearances of chronic tympanitis and its clinical value .

    目的:与手术病理结果对照,探讨慢性 中耳 HRCT表现及临床价值。

  • Method : 87 cases of chronic tympanitis ( involving 106 ears ) were subjected to tympanoplasty .

    方法:选择87例(106耳)患者行 鼓室成形术, 其中MEBO 44例( 54耳);