
[ˈtumɪd, ˈtju-]['tju:mɪd]


  • Classification of Tumid Lymph Nodes Metastases and Non-Metastases from Lung Cancer in CT Image

    CT图像中 肿大淋巴结肺癌转移分类方法

  • The intragastric tumid type again can be classified into protuberant two peaks and fungoid subgroup .

    而胃内 肿块型又可细分为隆起型、双峰型及草伞型。

  • Experimental results showed that the high-dimensional multi-resolution histogram can express the characteristics of lesions better and the classification speed is faster than traditional texture methods . The classification speed and accuracy basically meet the requirements of central lung cancer and tumid lymph nodes in medical imaging diagnosis .

    实验结果表明:高维多分辨率直方图特征表示肿大淋巴结和 肺癌肿块组织 差异特性更好,同时分类速度更高,基本满足了医学影像学对中央型肺癌与肺 肿大淋巴结 鉴别诊断的要求。

  • They tumid off the main highway onto a winding gravel road .

    他们 离开主要公路,转入一条弯曲的的砾石路。

  • No more abnormality than tumid mitochondria is noted in bipolar cells or ganglion cells during the above period .

    双极细胞及节细胞在 RCS 出生 的以上时间内, 线粒体 肿胀 未出现其他明显的异常变化。

  • Tumid lupus erythematosus occurring following highly active antiretroviral therapy for HIV infection : A manifestation of immune restoration

    高效抗病毒治疗HIV感染后出现 肿胀性红斑狼疮:一种免疫恢复现象

  • Flower of choice mint gold and pleasant chrysanthemum and so on can eliminate oil of tumid plant essence of life to massage hold concurrently lightsome with life-giving effect very appropriate .

    选择薄荷、金花与甘菊之类可消除 肿胀的植物精油来按摩,兼具轻盈与提神之功效,非常合适。

  • Conclusion The anti-inflammatory treatment is an effective way for dynamic observation of the changes of single tumid pneumonitis foci .

    结论抗炎治疗是动态观察 单发球形肺炎病灶变化的一种有效方法。

  • Clinical and CT features of acute single tumid pneumonitis from 30 patients

    30例急性 单发球形肺炎的临床与CT特点