


  • She said The baby is in my tummy .

    她说,小宝宝在我 肚子

  • Your tummy is too big because you drank heaps of water .

    “你的 肚子那么大就是因为喝了这么多水 斑点 青蛙对着Nupjuk说。

  • She 'd undergone 13 operations including a tummy tuck .

    她已经做了13次手术,包括一次 腹部 瘦身 整形 手术

  • If I get another tummy ache I will wire you to come .

    如果我再 肚子疼,我会 发电报让你来。

  • In order to correct this which would I benefit from the most a tummy tuck or liposuction ?

    为了纠正这一点,这我会从中受益最大, 腹部 除皱或抽脂?

  • It was only a tummy ache . I have a dull pain in the stomach .

    仅仅是 肚子痛。我的腹部有 隐痛。

  • You eat what Shusi make your tummy suddenly cold suddenly pain ?

    你吃了什么寿司导致你 肚子忽然又冷又疼?

  • But if you touch my tummy right now you can feel it .

    但你现摸我的 肚子,你会感觉它的。

  • And once when I put my ear on Mom 's tummy the baby boxed me on the cheek !

    有一次我把耳朵放在妈妈的 肚子上时,小宝宝 还在我脸颊上打了一拳呢!

  • No wonder your arms and tummy are firm .

    难怪你的手臂和 肚子 那么结实。

  • How 's your tummy feeling ?

    你的 肚子感觉怎么样了?

  • Do you have to put that in my tummy ?

    你真得把那 玩意放到我 肚子

  • Fat around the hips and thighs is good for you but around the tummy is bad .

    脂肪在臀部和大腿上有益身体,但是在 腹部却有害健康。

  • It 's easy to get a tummy upset from river water .

    喝河水很容易 肚子

  • Your baby 's tummy should feel warm but not hot .

    你宝宝的 肚子 起来应是暖和的,而不是发烫的。

  • Your tummy still sore usually ? What you du if I give you a ring ?

    你还 肚子疼?我给你打电话你会 吗?

  • By comparison I 'm lucky if I can pat my head and rub my tummy in tandem .

    和他相比,我能 一边拍脑袋一边摸 肚子就觉得很不错了。

  • But all he got from that was a big full tummy .

    可是,他只 大了一个 肚子佛列德 还是 觉得 好冷

  • I 've got a sore tummy


  • But it feels like I grew in your tummy .

    但我觉得我是在你的 肚子中长大的。

  • No the whole baby is in my tummy .

    不,整个宝宝都在我 肚子

  • I ate a big Thanksgiving dinner and now my tummy hurts .

    我饱吃了一顿感恩节正餐,现在 肚子疼。

  • She started with her hips her thighs her tummy .

    从她的屁股开始,她的大腿,她的 肚子

  • You want my tummy to become like this too ?

    你想要我的 肚子也变成这样?

  • That always helps your tummy .

    对你的 有帮助。

  • They let me see our baby on the TV although it 's inside her tummy .

    他们让我在这个电视屏幕上看我们的小宝宝,虽然现在还在妈妈的 肚子

  • My tummy is rounder than I like ; my torso too short .

    我的 肚子是圆的,我的身体太短了。

  • How to make my tummy being fitness ?

    如何使我的 肚子正在健身?

  • If this is your weight then hanging skin and fat is usually best managed by a tummy tuck .

    如果这是你的体重,然后挂皮肤和脂肪通常是最好的 腹部 除皱管理。