


  • Tungstate / Pertungstate System Cathodic Indirect Oxidation to Synthesis Hydrophobic Monascus Yellow Colorant

    钨酸 /过钨酸盐体系阴极间接电氧化合成红曲黄色素

  • Study on the scintillating properties of ions doped lead tungstate scintillation crystals

    掺杂 钨酸铅闪烁晶体的闪烁光学性质研究

  • Try to Discuss the Treatment and Recycling Utilization of Ammonium Tungstate Production Wastewater by Extraction

    试论萃取法 钨酸铵生产废水的处理及回用

  • A mineral consisting of iron-manganese tungstate in crystalline form ; the principal ore of tungsten ; found in quartz veins associated with granitic rocks .

    一种由铁锰 钨酸 组成的矿物,晶体状,主要的钨矿石,见于与花岗岩伴生的石英脉中。

  • The Study of Deep Molybdenum Removal by Activated Carbon in High-purity Solution of Ammonium Tungstate

    高纯 钨酸铵溶液中活性炭深度除钼研究

  • Photoelectrochemical Study on the Complex of Poly-aspartate and Tungstate as Inhibitors against Brass Corrosion

    聚天冬氨酸与 钨酸钠复配对黄铜缓蚀作用的光电化学研究

  • A novel ion exchange process had been developed for treating high concentration of sodium tungstate solution .

    开发了离子交换新工艺用于处理高浓度 钨酸 溶液。

  • A mineral consisting of calcium tungstate ; an ore of tungsten .

    一种由 钨酸钙组成的矿物,是一种钨矿石。

  • An oxyacid of tungsten ( often polymeric in nature ) formed by neutralizing alkaline tungstate solutions .

    钨的含氧酸(多为天然的聚合体),通过中和碱性 钨酸 溶液形成。

  • In this thesis we have prepared the rare earth doped tungstate and molybdate luminescent materials via hydrothermal process .

    本文采用水热法合成了 钨酸 钼酸盐为基质,通过掺入不同稀土离子实现了多色发光和白光发射,并研究了其发光性能。

  • A conversion coating formed on magnesium alloy AM60 with a chromate-free bath mainly composed of silicate and tungstate is studied .

    研究了以硅酸盐和 钨酸 为主的无铬化学处理液在镁合金上所形成的转化膜。

  • The commercial scale test was conducted for impurity molybdenum removal from tungstate solution by selective precipitation method .

    对选择性沉淀法从 钨酸 溶液中除钼新工艺进行了工业试验。

  • Inhibition Behavior and Mechanism of Tungstate Compound Inhibitor for Carbon Steel in Seawater

    海水中 钨酸 复合缓蚀剂对碳钢的缓蚀性能

  • Recent Research on Zirconium Tungstate ( ZrW_2O_8 ) Composite Materials

    低膨胀 钨酸锆(ZrW2O8)复合材料的研究现状

  • Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten concentrates & The ammonium tungstate igniting gravimetric method for the determination of tungsten trioxide content

    分光 光度法测定 黑钨矿 浸出 P GB/T6150.1-1985钨精矿化学分析方法 钨酸铵灼烧法测定三氧化钨量

  • Tungstocobalt heteropoly salts were synthesized using sodium tungstate and cobalt nitrate as materials .

    本文以 钨酸 和硝酸钴为原料合成了钨钴杂多酸盐。

  • Study is made of the vanadium extraction from sodium tungstate solution leached out of the secondary tungsten resource .

    研究了采用某型树脂从钨二次资源浸出的 钨酸 溶液 分离富集钒的效果。

  • Principle of removing molybdenum from producing calcium tungstate process is set forth concrete operation technology is presented .

    阐述了生产 钨酸钙过程中除钼的原理,并提出了具体的操作工艺。

  • Some problems on the research for lead tungstate scintillator are discussed .


  • Template-free synthesis and photoluminescence of double-tower-like lead tungstate

    类双塔状 钨酸铅微晶的无模板合成及光致发光性质

  • A mixture of sulphuric acid-thiourea-thioglycollic acid is used as selective solvent for free silver sulphide and sulphuric acid-thiourea-ferric sulphate for free native silver . On Deep Desulfurization by Activated Carbon in High Purity Ammonium Tungstate Solution

    用硫酸-硫脲-硫代乙醇酸溶液选择溶解硫化银;用硫酸-硫脲-硫酸高铁铵溶液选择溶解自然银。高纯 钨酸铵溶液中活性炭深度除硫研究

  • Study on the Extraction Spectrophotometry by Using Polyethylene Glycol-BCO-Ammonium Sulfate On Deep Desulfurization by Activated Carbon in High Purity Ammonium Tungstate Solution

    聚乙二醇-新铜试剂-硫酸铵萃取光度法测定铜高纯 钨酸铵溶液中活性炭深度除硫研究

  • High-purity sodium tungstate is prepared by controlling the crystal size of desorption solution .

    在控制解吸液结晶程度的条件下,制 取出了高纯 钨酸钠。

  • Synthesis and Luminescence Properties of Molybdate and Tungstate Red Phosphors for White-LED

    白光LED 、钼酸盐红色荧光材料的制备及其发光性能的研究

  • At last we analyzed the effect of adding seed crystal and solution of ammonium tungstate on crystal appearance .

    最后讨论了添加晶种和 钨酸铵溶液对晶体形貌的影响。

  • Corrosion Inhibition Performance of a Composite Tungstate Inhibitor in Seawater The retarding jetting construction technology adopted in composite bridge concrete interface

    影响 钨酸 复合海水缓蚀剂缓蚀性能的因素复合桥面混凝土界面采用缓凝水冲施工技术

  • A toxic double salt of copper arsenate and copper acetate . Removal of Mo As Sb and Sn from tungstate solution

    一种由砷酸铜和醋酸铜形成的有毒复盐。 钨酸 溶液中除钼砷锑锡等 杂质 研究

  • A negative thermal expansion material of yttrium tungstate was synthesized by rapid solidification with a CO2 laser .

    用二氧化碳激光快速凝固技术合成了负热膨胀材料 钨酸钇。

  • A method for determination of Er and Nd in the potassium yttrium tungstate laser crystals by ICP-AES is described .

    应用ICP-AES法测定 钨酸钇钾〔 kYWO42 激光晶体中的Er和Nd。

  • The electrode was used to the determination of boron in ammonium tungstate .

    电极用于 钨酸铵中硼的测定,将 钨酸铵中的硼 转化BF 4~-,用 标准 加入法测定其中硼的含量,结果满意。