


  • Result The qualitative method can examine Baishao Dangshen Baizhu Tuckahoe Liquorice Angelica Chuanxiong .

    结果薄层色谱方法可检测出白芍、党参、白术、 茯苓、甘草、当归、川芎。

  • Benefiting kidney blood and cassia twig tuckahoe pills can alleviate patients in abdominal pain and the effect .

    益肾化瘀 和桂枝 茯苓 丸都能缓解患者经行腹痛程度,且 两者效果 相当

  • First decoct Bi ? is boiled take juice boil congee together with tuckahoe Yi benevolence rice again .

    先煎萆?煮取汁,再与 茯苓苡仁、粳米同煮成粥。

  • Making evaluation of the effectiveness of clinic treatment with pinellia - magnolia agent ( composed of pinellia magnolia ginger tuckahoe and perilla leaves ) on of the functional dyspepsia featuring anxiety and / or depression FD and gastrointestinal motility .

    评价半夏厚朴汤(半夏、厚朴、生姜、 茯苓、紫苏叶组成)对伴有焦虑和/或抑郁FD及动力障碍样FD患者的临床疗效。

  • This thesis introduced diabetes supplementary food based on baking technology with compound assistant foods such as yam Tuckahoe white haricot bean lotus seed and jujube .

    在复方糖尿病辅助食品(山药、 茯苓、白扁豆、莲子及大枣)基础上,以焙烤食品为模式,研究糖尿病辅助食品制作工艺。

  • By a variety of polysaccharide ( wait for polysaccharide like Xianggu mushroom tuckahoe tremella ) complex matter of composition calls compound polysaccharide weigh total polysaccharide again .

    由多种多糖(如香菇、 茯苓、银耳等多糖)组成的复合物称为复合多糖,又称总多糖。

  • The crust of Tuckahoe Pie is made of Tuckahoe powders and refined flour .


  • Observation on the Effects of Complex Preparation of Tuckahoe on Weight Loss

    复方 茯苓 制剂 体重效果观察

  • Among them there was the herb Tuckahoe grown in Yunnan and Guizhou provinces .

    这些中药中就有生长于云南和贵州的 茯苓

  • Tuckahoe contains the part such as protein adipose lecithin reason has effect of take a tonic to build up health .


  • Use more drugs in turn is ginseng angelica roasted liquorice astragalus root of herbaceous peony medicine largehead atractylodes rhizome big jujube ginger ripe tuberous root tuckahoe river xiong radix cohosh .

    使用较多的药物依次是人参、当归、炙甘草、黄芪、白芍药、白术、大枣、生姜、熟地黄、 茯苓、川芎、柴胡、升麻。

  • Its main ingredients were pine nuts peach kernels sweet-scented osmanthus sugar and some Tuckahoe powders .

    制作的主要材料有松仁 ,桃仁 ,桂花,白糖以及 茯苓粉。

  • Primary Research on Variations of Microflora and Enzyme Activity in Soil of Tuckahoe Cultivation Field


  • Method Using mixed-acid digestion and ICP-AES simultaneously measured the multiple microelements in tuckahoe .

    方法采用混合酸消化,运用ICP-AES同时测定 茯苓中多种微量元素。

  • Comparing with spontaneous recovery group these indexes were improved in different treatment groups and the effect of synthetic combine use of Largehead Atractylodes Rhizome and Tuckahoe combined with invigorate vital energy promote vital energy circulation expel wind-evil herbs was best .

    与自然恢复组比较,各治疗组以上部分或全部指标均有不同程度的改善,其中,以综合 配伍组改善作用最优。

  • As a result Tuckahoe Pie became a famous palace snack with its price increased by many times .

    结果 茯苓饼就成了很有名的宫廷小吃,并且它的价格也 随之涨了 几倍。

  • To determine the screening of the culture medium strains tuckahoe has the most suitable of growth medium .

    茯苓菌株培养基的筛选确定 茯苓最适宜生长的培养基。

  • Influence of Decoction of Largehead Atractylodes Rhizome and Tuckahoe and it Combining Use with other Herbs to Gastrointestinal Hormone of Rat of Deficiency Syndrome of the Spleen

    白术 茯苓汤及其配伍对脾虚大鼠胃肠激素的影响

  • The present-day Beijing Tuckahoe Pie is made by succeeding the traditional recipe of the imperial kitchen of the Qing Dynasty and constantly improving the ingredients and the processing .

    如今的北京 茯苓饼主要是根据 日后清皇宫 膳房的食谱制作的,并且所用材料和制作过程都经过了不断地改良。

  • Cass of primary advanced lung Cancer were treated by both of bronchial arterial infusion ( BAI ) of anticancer drug and traditional chinese herbs ( Tellow vetch dangshen large headed atractylodes tuckahoe chinese angelica ) .

    作者采用选择性支气管动脉内灌注抗癌药物辅以中药黄芪、党参、白术、 茯苓、当归等扶正调理,治疗晚期原发性肺癌38例。

  • Tuckahoe Pie was originally a palace snack .


  • Donkey-Hide Gelatin Chinese Yam Roes Tuckahoe Licorice Mint Dried Ginger and so on .

    阿胶、山药、玫瑰花、 茯苓、甘草、薄荷、干姜等。

  • Wenxin capsule ( including cassia twig membranous milkvetch root red peony root tuckahoe etc ) suspension : corresponding to 2 g / mL.

    温心胶囊(由桂枝、黄芪、赤芍、 茯苓等组成)悬液:每毫升悬液含生药量2g。