tubular adenoma

[ˈtubjəlɚ ˌædnˈomə][ˈtu:bjələ ˌædiˈnəumə]

[医] 管状腺瘤

  • Of the 26 patients there were 9 cases of Brunner 's gland adenoma 5 leiomyoma 5 tubular adenoma 2 tubulovillous adenoma 1 gastrinoma 1 hemangioma 1 neurilemmoma 1 ectopic pancreas 1 islet cell tumor .

    结果本组病例息肉样腺瘤9例,间质瘤5 ,管状腺瘤5例, 管状绒毛状 腺瘤2例,异位胰腺、胰岛细胞瘤、神经鞘瘤、胃泌素瘤、血管瘤各1例。

  • A Report of Rectal Tubular Adenoma Spontaneously Broken

    直肠 管状 腺瘤自发破裂1 报告

  • Of the 15 patients 3 were Brunner 's gland adenoma 3 leiomyoma 3 mesenchymoma 2 tubular adenoma 1 tubulovillous adenoma 1 gastrinoma 1 hemangioma and 1 hamartoma .

    结果Brunner瘤3例,平滑肌瘤3例,间质瘤3例, 管状 腺瘤2例,管状绒毛状腺瘤1例,胃泌素瘤1例,血管瘤1例,错构瘤1例。

  • Clinical and Pathological Character of Membranous Nephropathy Combined with Colon Tubular Adenoma

    结肠 管状 腺瘤合并膜性肾病的临床及病理分析

  • In all kinds of the histology type the tubular adenoma accounted for the most . The canceration rate of the adenoma of large intestine from high to low in sequence was villous adenoma and tubular-villous adenoma tubular adenoma ( P < 0.05 ) .

    大肠腺瘤的组织类型中 管状 腺瘤最多,癌变率从高到低的顺序依次为绒毛状腺瘤、混合性腺瘤、管状腺瘤,比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);

  • Colorectal tubular adenoma is the most common pathological types of colorectal adenoma . Carcinogenic transformation of colorectal tubular adenoma is not uncommonly seen in clinical practice .

    大肠 管状 腺瘤是大肠腺瘤中最常见的病理组织学类型,临床上大肠管状腺瘤的癌变并不少见,但对其癌变机制的研究很少。

  • Tubular adenoma was the most occurred pathological type and occupyed 57.61 % .

    病理类型以 管状 腺瘤最多,占57.61%。

  • This lesion is called a tubular adenoma because of the rounded nature of the neoplastic glands that form it .

    称为 管状 腺瘤是因为形成的腺体是圆的。

  • Results :① The degree of atypia hyperplasia and canceration among tubular adenoma tubulo-villous adenoma and villous adenoma were statistically different ( p < 0.05 ) .

    结果:① 管状 腺瘤、混合性腺瘤、绒毛状腺瘤的非典型增生程度和癌变分布差异有统计学意义(p<0.05)。