tubercle bacillus

[ˈtubəkəl bəˈsɪləs][ˈtju:bəkl bəˈsiləs]


  • Infection of cytomegalovirus and tubercle bacillus in renal allograft recipients

    肾移植术后巨细胞病毒和 结核 杆菌感染情况分析

  • Tuberculosis ( TB ) : Bacterial disease caused by some species of mycobacterium ( tubercle bacillus ) .

    结核病:一些分歧杆菌( 结核 杆菌)造成的细菌病。

  • The technique is based on digital image process to detect tubercle bacillus and to realize the means .

    在此基础之上建立了一 结核 杆菌 形状 特征 细胞测量的图像处理系统。

  • Direct smear of sputum was conducted with Ziehl-Neelsen acid-fast staining to detect tubercle bacillus .

    将痰液直接涂片,萋-尼氏抗酸染色检查 结核 杆菌

  • Comparison of Three Methods for Detection of Tubercle Bacillus in Sputum Samples

    三种方法检测痰标本 结核 杆菌的比较研究

  • Tubercle bacillus was positive by sputum in 7 cases .

    7例涂片 抗酸 杆菌阳性。

  • Constituting or afflicted with or caused by tuberculosis or the tubercle bacillus .

    由于肺 结核或结核病而受折磨的。

  • Application of modified protect essentiality decoction on anti - tubercle bacillus treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis

    保真汤加 在肺结核抗 结核治疗中的应用

  • The diagnostic value of the tubercle bacillus DNA polymerase chain reaction ( TB DNA PCR ) is better in pulmonary tuberculosis and the diagnostic value is better by detecting peripheral blood than by detecting pleural effusions ( P < 0 01 ).

    结核 杆菌脱氧核糖核酸聚合酶链反应(TBDNAPCR)对于肺结核的诊断意义较大,而检测外周血的意义较检测胸液大,二者存在显著性差异(P<001)。

  • The Research of Key Technology on the Intelligent Recognition and Counting of Tubercle Bacillus of Dynamic Micrograph


  • But the mutable tubercle bacillus proved an elusive target becoming resistant to each successive drug tried .

    易变 结合 杆菌是个难以攻克的目标,它对当时试用的每种药物都产生了耐药。

  • Analysis of resistance of 71 tubercle bacillus strains to antibiotics

    71株 结核菌耐药性分析

  • Comparison of Optimal Conditions for Detection of Antibodies to Tubercle Bacillus by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay

    酶联免疫吸附试验检测 结核抗体实验条件的比较

  • Objective To identify the tubercle bacillus DNA with PCR microplate hybridization-ELISA .

    目的采用PCRELISA微孔板杂交技术检测 结核 杆菌dna。

  • Objective : To analyze drug resistant characterization of clinical isolated tubercle bacillus .

    目的:分析临床分离 结核 分枝 杆菌的耐药特点。

  • Analysis of the effect of Re-treatment Scheme in Treating the Patients with Tubercle Bacillus


  • Conclusion The effects of25-O-desacetylrifapentine and Rifapentine against tubercle bacillus growth activities in vivo and in vitro are similar and nicer .

    结论脱乙酰基利福喷丁与利福喷丁比较,具有相似及良好的体内外抗 结核 杆菌生长活性的作用。

  • Methods Through observing their clinical symptoms taking X-ray films and examining tubercle bacillus and cancer cells in sputum 30 aged cases were exam-ined .

    方法通过30例老年患者的临床症状,X线胸片表现,痰 结核菌及痰脱落细胞检查。

  • Study on Tubercle Bacillus Concentration in The Proportion Method Test of Drug Susceptibility

    比例法测定 结核菌药敏试验中 液浓度的研究

  • The Clinical value of tubercle bacillus culture in lung tuberculoma

    肺结核球中 结核菌药敏 实验 结果的临床意义

  • These results suggest that immune complexes are an important part against tubercle bacillus infection in which IgM / C3-CIC plays an important role in the early stage and IgG / C3-CIC does in the whole course of this disease .

    认为免疫复合物是抗 结核感染的重要组成部分,其中IgM/C3-CIC主要在发病初期起重要作用,IgG/C3-CIC在疾病的整个活动过程中都起作用。

  • PCR microplate hybridization-ELISA for identification of tubercle bacillus DNA

    PCR-ELISA微孔板杂交技术检测 结核 杆菌DNA

  • Objectives To compare the sensitivity and specificity of different PCR methods in detecting tubercle bacillus DNA in pathologic tissue embedded in paraffin . Chose the best method for differential diagnosis on atypical tuberculosis and sarcoidosis then evaluating its clinical application value .

    目的比较不同的PCR方法检测石蜡包埋病理组织中 结核菌DNA的敏感性和特异性,选择最佳方法用于病理表现不典型之结核病与结节病的鉴别诊断,并评价其临床应用价值。

  • An antibiotic that is especially active against the tubercle bacillus .

    一种对 治疗 结核 疾病尤其有效的抗生素。

  • Improvement on the Proportion Method of Tubercle Bacillus Drug Sensitivity test


  • Conclusion PCR microplate hybirdizatin-ELISA can be used to test tubercle bacillus DNA quickly and accurately it is a reliable laboratory method early to diagnose and differentiate tuberculosis .

    结论PCRELISA微孔板杂交技术可快速、准确地检测 结核 杆菌DNA,是结核病早期诊断和鉴别诊断的可靠实验室方法。

  • Objective To investigate tubercle bacillus infections among HIV / AIDS patients and the relationship between HIV / AIDS and tuberculosis .

    目的调查HIV感染者和AIDS病人感染 结核 杆菌情况,了解HIV/AIDS与结核病的相关性。

  • Objective It is to discuss and study the effect of25-O-desacetylrifapentine against tubercle bacillus growth activity in vivo and in vitro .

    目的探讨和研究脱乙酰基利福喷丁体内及体外抗 结核 杆菌生长活性的作用。

  • An analysis of PCR result for tubercle bacillus in 55 hydrothorax cases

    PCR检测55例胸水中 结核菌的结果分析