



  • The drugs with the most proportion of dosage were Coptis Monkshood Cassia Twig .

    类方中除乌梅外,干姜、黄连使用较多,黄连、附子、 桂枝的用量配比较大;

  • The insect simulates a twig .

    这种昆虫看上去 一个 树枝

  • The volatile oil was extracted from Cinnamomum wilsonii leaf and twig with the steam distillation and the yield was1 .

    采用水蒸气蒸馏法从川桂叶和 嫩枝中提取挥发油,出油率分别为1。

  • He heard the sharp crack of a twig .

    他听到了一 细枝的刺耳断裂声。

  • Then I twigged that they were illegal immigrants

    然后我 突然 意识 他们是非法移民。

  • I smile at your play with that little bit of a broken twig .

    我微笑地看你在 那里耍着那 下来 小树

  • To tell the truth a wren needs only a twig to build its nest in the forest ;

    老实说,鹪鹩在森林中筑巢,它只需要一 树枝就够了;

  • By the time she 'd twigged what it was all about it was too late .

    等到她把 一切想通时,已为时太晚。

  • Before it I was merely a dry twig duckweed a lamplight dying out .

    之前,我不过是 枯枝、浮萍。将残的灯火。

  • He heard the snap of a twig broken under foot .

    他听见 树枝在脚下被踩断的劈啪声。

  • I kept dropping hints but he still didn 't twig .

    我不断向他暗示,可他还是不 明白

  • A systematic summary on twig cuttage techniques of Populus tomentosa was made on the basis of a large number of trials and breedings .

    在大量试验繁育的基础上,对毛白杨 嫩枝扦插育苗技术作了系统总结。

  • Current twig and leaf productions are obtained directly from the biomass values .


  • He twisted a twig and broke it .

    他扭断了一 树枝

  • A sharp photographic image ; the sharp crack of a twig ; the crisp snap of dry leaves underfoot .

    色彩鲜明的相片; 树枝断裂的清晰声音;干树叶在脚下发出的清晰的声音。

  • She has a willow twig case .

    她有一个 柳条箱。

  • The algorithm utilized the idea of PathStack algorithm in its main algorithm to achieve twig pattern query .

    该算法将路径栈算法的思想应用到它的主算法中实现了 小枝模式查询。

  • The snap of a twig broke the silence .


  • He broke off the twig with a snap .

    他啪地一声把那 树枝折断了。

  • Even just stepping on a twig could reveal one 's position and ruin an entire mission .

    甚至只要踩上 树叶也会暴露自己的位置,从而毁了整个任务。

  • He shifted his weight and a twig snapped

    他挪了一下身体的重心,一 树枝 咔嚓一声断了。

  • She heard a twig snap .

    她听到一 树枝啪地折断了。

  • And he became a believer in God when a frozen twig broke in his hand .

    就在那冰冻的 枯枝弄伤他以后,他成为了神的信徒。

  • Broke a twig from the tree .

    从树上折断一 树枝

  • The child touched the worm with a twig .

    这个孩子用小 树枝碰了碰这条虫子。

  • I smile at your play with that bit of broken twig .

    我笑你一直在玩着那 断掉的 树枝

  • Lily had picked up a fallen twig and twirled it in the air .

    莉莉捡起地上的一 树枝,在空中快速地旋转。