try a case

[traɪ e kes][trai ə keis]


  • If you want to work from home there are a few things you need to know and do before you can attempt to try to build a good case that your employer should allow you to work from home .

    如果你想在家里工作的话,那么有几件事情你必须预先 清楚并做好,这样你才能建立 良好的 实例来证明你上司应该让你在家工作。

  • Even so you may have more expenses than you assume so try to stockpile a bit of money just in case you need it during this June through mid-July phase .

    即便如此,你还是会比预期花更多的钱,所以 尽量 存点钱, 6月到7月中这段时间有需要。

  • Therefore this paper based on the ISO9000:2000 quality control principles try to establish a process control as the core accounting firm quality management system framework and its application from the overall level and specific levels explained in detail with case .

    因此,本文立足于IS09000:2000产品质量的控制原则, 尝试建立 过程控制为核心的会计师事务所质量管理体系框架,并对其应用从整体层面和具体层面结合 案例进行详细说明。

  • When you try to repair a backup make sure to do this with a copy of the damaged database in case your attempts to repair the database fail .

    尝试修复备份时,请确保使用已损坏数据库的副本进行修复尝试, 修复数据库的尝试失败。

  • Then let visual culture theory be used in science communication theory and try to make a more in-depth philosophical analysis to science fiction art and its audiences by a method which combine case analysis and depth interview .

    并将视觉文化理论运用于科学传播理论,并 尝试案例分析和深度访谈的相结合的研究方法对科学幻想画和其受众进行 较为深入的哲学分析。

  • Look in your server error log to see if this is the case and then try to reproduce the problem with a small test case .

    查看服务器的错误日志看看是不是这样,再用 小的测试 例子 重现此问题。

  • Forensic artists can view a film and try to produce a composite drawing that can potentially produce more leads on a case .

    法医艺术家可以查看电影和 尝试生产综合绘图可能会导致产生更多的 情况

  • Any responsible government would try to avoid one but Greece could turn out to be a special case .

    任何一个负责任的政府都会 尽量避免挤兑的出现,但希腊的状况可能比较特殊。

  • Personally I just look at the stuff that is new and I try to find a use case for it .

    我个人只要看到新事物 就会 去找 它的使用 案例

  • Why does it take 253 days to try a case of fraud ?

    为什么 审讯 欺诈案要花253天时间?

  • As business schools try to infuse more reality into their classrooms the old sage on the stage model where a professor lectures a class and interaction is limited to case debate is going the way of text books .

    随着商学院 努力把更多现实融入课堂,老式的讲台上的贤者模式正在步教科书的后尘,逐渐被淘汰。在这种模式下, 教授对着一班学生讲课,只在 案例讨论时才有互动。

  • In this paper I try to discuss the mechanism from the angle of social structure and political expediency taking the first Parliamentary Reform of 1832 as a case study .

    本文以1832年议会改革为 个案,从社会结构和政治博弈的角度讨论这个问题, 试图揭示和平变革的内在机制。

  • Then try to found out solutions that will help to manage an Intercultural Team positively . Finally after a case study regarding the practice of Intercultural HRM particularly the problem that encounter foreign managers when doing business in China we conclude by proposing some suggestions .

    最后,研究了关于 外籍经理处理中国业务的 案例,我们通过对 案例实践总结,提出了些建议,以 对解决跨文化人力资源管理问题有关定的借鉴作用。

  • So let 's try another example here and let 's try a case now where instead of dealing with a neutral molecule we have an ion so we have c n minus .

    那么, 我们来试一下另外 个例子, 这次不是一个中性原子,而是一个离子,氰离子。

  • Trial procedure is the steps and ways that competent authorities try a case .

    审判程序是 审判机关处理 案件程式和方法。

  • Try Zeus a simple albeit useful case study in data binding .

    试一试Zeus, 简单而有用的数据绑定 实例分析。

  • Meanwhile the key aspects in the reform of trial forms are to strengthen the duty of collegiate bench letting judges take the full responsibility to try a case .

    同时,审判方式改革的主要侧重点就是强化合议庭或独任庭的职责,让法官真正承担起 审理 案件的责任。

  • When the judge try a case about very professional administerial cases but his lack of professional knowledge so it is very necessary to engage expert assistants to help the parties understand professional problem and help the judge identify the facts of the case .

    审理 涉及专业性问题的行政案件时,由于法官和当事人对专业性问题缺乏了解,所以行政诉讼专家辅助人出庭辅助当事人对专业性问题进行认识,帮助法官查明案件事实也就很有必要。

  • The magistrate can try a case summarily or refer it to the crown court .

    治安法官能立即 审判 案子或将它交巡回刑事法院。

  • Hear or try a court case anew .

    再重新 审理 案子

  • The people 's court of second instance may try a case on appeal at its own site or in the place where the case originated or where the people 's court which originally tried the case is located .

    第二审人民法院 审理上诉 案件,可以在本院进行,也可以到案件发生地或者原审人民法院所在地进行。

  • I take advantage of this new teaching methods try to design a few teaching case brief language and use them to illustrate the introduction of television public service ads to Russia Spoken Chinese classroom is feasible .

    我利用这种新的教学方法,用简要的语言 尝试 设计 几个教学 案例,用他们来说明将电视公益广告引入到对俄汉语口语课堂是可行的。

  • According to a new act in Taiwan parties can select judges to try a civil case .

    在我国台湾地区民事 诉讼 改革中, 试行当事人合意选定法官 审判的制度。

  • Instead you must solemnly list all your strengths and try to make a sound case for a higher salary .

    相反,你必须郑重列出你所有的长处, 努力为加薪寻找充分的 理由