


  • On extracting niobium tantalum from tungstenic slag


  • The cracking reaction of rosin catalyzed by phosphatic and tungstenic heteropoly acids is studied in discussing the factors affecting the reaction in detail .

    本文通过研究反应温度、反应 时间催化剂用量对反应 进程的影响,对磷 杂多酸 HPA 催化松香裂解反应及反应动力学进行了研究。

  • Damage Analysis of the Warhead of Tungstenic Metal Column Prefab Fragments to Homogenized Armor

    合金 碳化 柱形预制破片战斗部对均质钢甲的毁伤 效能分析

  • The Recycle and Treatment of Wastewater in Concentrating Mill of Tungstenic Minerals


  • Preparation of Scandium Oxide from Tungstenic Slag by the Process of Extraction

    用萃取法从 矿渣制取氧化钪

  • A Study on Application of Tungstenic Slag in Production of Wear Resistant Grinding Balls


  • Detachable ballon was used as embolization agent in 40 cases and tungstenic coil in 75 cases .

    40例用可脱球囊栓塞,75例 钨丝螺旋圈栓塞。

  • Adipic acid was synthesized by tungstenic acid / phosophoric acid ligand catalyzing oxidation cyclohexanone with 30 percent hydrogen peroxide in the absence of organic solvent and phase-transfer catalyst .

    在无有机溶剂、相转移催化剂的情况下,以30%的过氧化氢为氧源,钨酸/磷酸配体催化氧化环己酮合成 己二酸

  • Films in before processing you should use iodin tungstenic ultrared warming up .

    冷膜在处理前,应先用碘 红外线预热。

  • Direct catalytic oxidation of cyclohexene to adipic acid by tungstenic acid / inorganic acidic ligand

    钨酸/无机酸性配体催化氧化环己烯合成 己二酸

  • Using tungstenic slag as alloying additive a sort of W Mn Nb Ta containing cast iron wear-resistant grinding ball was developed .
