trusteeship function

[trʌˈstiˌʃɪp ˈfʌŋkʃən][trʌˈsti:ˌʃɪp ˈfʌŋkʃən]

[经] 托管人职责

  • It will introduce the origin of trusteeship development and function of Testamentary Trust system .

    主要介绍了 信托 制度的起源,遗嘱信托制度的发展现状及其 功能

  • From the aspect of logical security the essay mainly discusses the safety of private data in the data trusteeship environment and measures to be taken . Therefore in the data trusteeship environment we can adopt VPD strategy and function to protect the private data .

    就“逻辑”安全的角度,讨论数据托管环境中私有数据的安全性及应对策略,并指出在数据 托管环境中,采用VPD综合运用策略和 函数,可以真正保护私有数据的安全。

  • The paper first makes a comparison between the trustee and the financial deputy then states the trusteeship of the trustee in international bond trust system thus pointing out the important function of the trustee .

    其次具体阐述了受托人在国际债券信托法律关系中 承担的义务,从而论证 受托人在国际债券信托制度中的重要 地位