




  • I leaped to cover our granddaughter who had gotten into the fiberglass one-piece tub enclosure .

    我们的孙女躲进了纤维玻璃制的整体式 浴缸外壳里,我跳过去用身体遮住她。

  • What I need is to soak in a hot tub .

    我需要在热腾腾的 澡盆 好好地泡一泡。

  • The bathroom only had a shower no tub but I was still satisfied .

    浴室只有一个淋浴喷头,没有 浴盆,但是我仍然很满意。

  • They all have a bathroom with a bath tub and hairdryer .

    均配备 浴缸、吹风机和独立卫生间。

  • He then had a special tub made .

    后来他定制了一只专门的 澡盆

  • He scooped some ice-cream out of the tub .

    他从 舀了一些冰淇淋。

  • Wipe down laundry benches and wall behind laundry tub and bench .

    擦净洗衣房的操作台以及操作台和洗涤 后面的墙壁。

  • They found a dead girl in a tub downstairs .

    他们发现一个女孩死在楼下的 浴盆

  • They threw all my shoes and suits in the tub .

    他们把鞋子和西装丢 浴缸

  • The bath tub is large enough for two people .

    这个 浴缸很大,足够两个人同时使用了。

  • A tub in which clothes or linens can be washed .


  • Such sanitary accommodation should comprise a minimum of one toilet one washbasin and one tub or shower .

    此类卫生间至少应包括一个厕所、一个洗脸池和一个 浴盆或淋浴。

  • Dampen down the bath tub and the surrounding tiles with water .


  • Pack meat in a clean stone crock or stainless steel tub and cover it with the pickle .

    将牛肉装进干净的瓦罐或不锈钢 中,用腌汁淹没。

  • Sit under this tub until our eleven brothers come and I will make it right with them .

    躲在这 下面,等十一个哥哥回来,我会说服他们的。 于是公主便 到了 下面。

  • She scooped some ice cream out of the tub .

    她从 纸杯 舀了些冰淇淋出来。

  • The bath tub leaks .

    淋浴 水管漏了。

  • When I found Nikki in the tub she was already dead .

    我在 浴盆 发现她时,她已经死了。

  • Do you need me to wake up a nanny to help you getting into the tub ?

    需要我叫醒一个奶妈来帮你进入 浴缸吗?

  • The tub fell over but is not broken .


  • Baths were taken in the warehouse once a week by carrying hot water to the tub .

    货栈成了洗澡的地方,每周一次,热水是 澡盆 的。

  • I soaked in the hot tub for an hour .

    我在热 浴盆 浸了一个小时。

  • The water splashed out of the tub upon the floor .

    水从 澎出来,落在地板上。

  • Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water .

    洗澡用一个装满热水的大 浴盆

  • The tub is too small you see .

    你看这 浴盆太小了。

  • All the time Stephen was lying face down and unconscious in the bath tub

    斯蒂芬一直脸朝下趴在 浴缸 ,不省人事。

  • I will not take a bath I won 't get in the tub .

    我不将洗澡,我不将进入 浴盆

  • He relaxed in the hot tub .

    他在热 浴盆 放松了下来。