abbr.Tri-State Logic 三态逻辑(电路)

  • TSL Coordinates . Boundary Conditions . Shear Layer Categories .

    剪力层 座标,边界条件,剪力层种类。

  • It introduced the first automatic code generation technology ; then introduced the XML markup language script ; last TSL template described in the scripting language graphical user interaction systems .

    它首先介绍了自动代码生成技术;然后介绍了XML脚本标记语言;最后描述了 TSL模板脚本语言在图形化用户交互系统中的应用。

  • Analysis for the Mechanism of TSL Gate


  • The method of using TSL color space to do the modeling of the gesture images was proposed for static gesture . Thus the binary images containing only the gesture part was obtained .

    对于静态手势,提出采用 TSL色彩空间对含有手势的图像进行建模,并进而 分割 仅含手势部分图像的二值图像的方案。

  • Optical pulse source is TSL-210 active mode-locked laser with tunable wavelength pulse period is 400 ps ( 2 . 5 Gbit / s ) and pulse half-width is 32 ps.

    光源采用 TSL 210 可调谐主动 模激光器,脉冲周期为400ps(2.5Gbit/s),脉冲半宽为32ps。

  • The effect of TSL on the coagulation time and bleeding time in mice


  • The effect of TSL on RBC in rabbit was observed with hemolysis test .

    采用 稀释 溶血试验,观察 不同 剂量对兔RBC影响。

  • JSSE delivers a Java implementation of the SSL and TLS protocols supporting data integrity and privacy .

    JSSE提供了SSL和 TSL协议的Java实现以支持数据完整性和私密性。