try to

[traɪ tu][trai tu:]


  • Don 't try to deceive me .

    你别 我。

  • I shall not try to reproduce the policemen 's English

    我不会 试图 模仿那个警察讲的英语。

  • A mistake is a mistake . Don 't try to explain it away .

    错了就错了,不要 辩解

  • People thought they were all crazy to try to make money from manufacturing

    人们认为他们简直是疯了,竟然 从制造业中赚钱。

  • Try to keep calm and just tell me what happened


  • We will try to reform him within the community .

    我们将 尽力在社区内部 他进行改造。

  • Is it wrong to try to save the life of someone you love ?


  • My message is ' If you try to smuggle drugs you are stupid '

    我的意思是“你要是 企图走私毒品,你就是一个笨蛋”。

  • They try to buy you over .

    他们 收买你。

  • Don 't try to mimic anybody . You have to be yourself if you are going to do your best

    不要 试图仿效任何人,要是你想做到最好,就得做你自己。

  • Don 't try to throw weight around . It won 't work with me .


  • If you 'll bear with me Frank just let me try to explain .

    你要对我有点儿耐心,弗兰克,让我 解释。

  • At no time did they try to persuade me to suppress the information

    他们从没有 试图劝我隐瞒这个消息。

  • Try to imagine all the possible scenarios and what action you would take .


  • We must try to live in peace and harmony with ourselves and those around us

    我们必须 努力和我们自己及周围的人和睦相处。

  • Don 't try to explain away the situation . If you have made mistakes just admit them .

    不要再 分辩了,有错误就承认嘛!

  • She will try to arrange a mutually convenient time and place for an interview

    她会 尽力安排一个双方都方便的时间和地点进行面试。

  • I 'd try to get away and he 'd pin me down saying he would kill me

    我曾 试图逃脱,可他把我摁倒在地,并说会杀了我。

  • I don 't try to memorize speeches word for word .

    我不会 试图一字不落地记住讲话要说的内容。

  • As I try to be truthful I expect everyone else to be truthful

    既然我 努力做到诚实,我希望其他所有人也能诚实。

  • We will try to match you to employers with the vacancies you are looking for

    我们会 争取 你找到提供你所需职位的用人单位。

  • One child shrinks away from me when I try to talk to him

    当我 试图和一个孩子说话时,他避开了我。

  • I 'll try to save him the expense of a flight from Perth

    我会 设法替他省下要从珀斯飞来的机票费用。

  • I 'll try to look him up ask him a few questions

    我会 设法 登门拜访,问他几个问题。

  • That 's when I try to meditate or do some deep-breathing exercises .

    这时我 就会 沉思或者做些深呼吸练习。

  • I vote that you try to pick out the trail for us .

    我提议由你 选我们该走哪条小路。

  • When I try to explain how I feel he just flies into a temper .

    我刚 解释我心里是怎么想的,他就勃然大怒。

  • We do not try to fine-tune the economy on the basis of short-term predictions

    我们不会根据短期预测就 试图对经济进行微调。