try back

[traɪ bæk][trai bæk]


  • When you move a wolf from one location to another they try and get back home .

    当你把狼从一个地方移居到另一个地方时,它们 总是 试图 回到 原来的家。

  • What professions did you ever try back in Singapore ? Generally what kind of jobs are popular there for fresh graduates ? How 's the job market there ?

    您在新加坡都从事过那些职业?一般说 ,有哪些工作是受毕业生欢迎的,那的人才市场怎么样?

  • You don 't have access to the resource try back later ;

    资源不可使用,以后 再试

  • You want to try it back there ?

    你是否 应该 重新 审视一下 自己

  • An unidentifiable error has occurred . Please try back later .

    出现了一个无法识别的错误。请稍后 再试

  • In the third stage the Party 's intellectual policy try back Marxist track .

    第三阶段,党的知识分子政策 重新 回到了马克思主义的正确轨道。

  • I promise I will try and be back home on time .

    我保证我会 尽量按时 回家

  • Once you 've given your word don 't try to back out .

    一旦许下诺言,就不要 翻悔

  • It is always futile to try to hold back the progress of history .


  • And you 're full of something else so try back tomorrow .

    如果你想干什么, 明白 再来

  • I 'm sorry I 'd better try getting back to sleep .

    抱歉,我想我最好 还是 回去 努力睡着吧。

  • Maybe we 'll try to come back when we 're next in london .

    可能我们下次来伦敦时候会 过来的。

  • I may want to finish the particular point that I 'm making I 'll try to come back to you and I 'll then raise your question .

    也许我想结束这个我制造的特定点,我 会试 回到这里并提出你的问题。

  • OK . I will try her back then . I steeled myself to try again .

    好的,我到时 试试看。

  • Please don 't try to back out now that everything has been arranged .

    现在一切都安排好了,请不要 打退堂鼓

  • Food fascists of course try to back up their restricted choices by pointing out they are doing so for their health .

    当然,食品法西斯们 试图 力挺他们限定的食品选择,指出这是为了他们的健康才这么做的。

  • It seems like every time I lose a job it 's a recession and I have to try to jump back in ... now I 'm looking for recession-proof work .

    似乎我每次失业都是因为经济衰退、都必须 努力 跳回原先的行业中现在,我正寻找能抵御衰退影响的工作。

  • We have to try and get back points on the teams at the top .

    我们必须 全力从排名靠前的球队 分。

  • My suggestion is that we should try to cut back on production and reduce the amount of things we make and buy .

    我的建议是,我们应当 尽量 削减生产,减少制造和购买物品的数量。

  • I wish you every happiness but let 's not try and turn back the clock .

    我祝你幸福,但是 历史重演。

  • Okay okay . I 'll try to be back by9 .

    好的,好的,我会 尽量在9点之前 回来的。

  • Why not try back door ?

    为什么不 尝试 后门?

  • There are some who believe that we must try to turn back the clock on this new world ;

    有人认为我们必须 设法放慢新世界的 脚步

  • Tip if puffy eyes are a frequent problem try cutting back on salty foods and alcohol ; both make you retain fluids .

    小贴士:如果你的眼睛经常肿胀, 少吃一些含盐食品和酒精,两者都会让液体滞留。

  • I was furious that she should try behind my back to get herself in with him .

    我大为恼火,她 竟然 我与他厮混。

  • The government would try to rein back inflation .

    政府将 努力控制 通货膨胀

  • On this night it was believed that the spirits of the dead would try to come back to life !

    人们认为在当天晚上,亡者的灵魂 重新 复活

  • So it is not too late and we will try and get back from there .

    现在一切还不晚,我们将 迎头赶上

  • ' oh well I think you 'd try going back to the seller and asking for a change for a anothor .

    啊?我 到那家店里去,商量一下看能不能再换一个。

  • The Chancellor will try to claw back £ 3.5 billion in next year 's Budget .

    财政大臣在明年的预算中将 争取 收回35亿英镑。