trust possession

[trʌst pəˈzɛʃən][trʌst pəˈzeʃən]

[法] 信托占有

  • The modern trust system as a system arrangement which transfers the possession and management of property to the trustee in order to preserve and increase the value of property or other plays an irreplaceable important role in socio-economic and financial development .

    现代 信托制度是一种通过将财产转移给受托人 占有和管理,从而实现财产保值或者增值等效用的制度安排,对促进社会经济和金融的发展起着不可替代的重要作用。

  • His team-mates can trust him more in possession now because he has learned to be more economical with the ball is much stronger and protects the ball better .

    他的队友可以更加 信任他让他 ,因为他已经学会了怎样更加经济地触球,怎样更加好地保护少球。