

  • False edges due to truncation artifacts can be removed using this method .

    本方法可以有效地剔除由 截断伪影而引入的虚假边缘。

  • This command uses the default settings for replay and log truncation .

    此命令使用重播和日志 截断的默认设置。

  • We further studied the cross-focus system and found direct experimental evidence for the truncation error induced intermittency .

    进一步研究过焦系统,找到了 截断误差诱导阵发混沌的直接实验证据。

  • We therefore have a truncation error of0.01 .

    因此,我们有一个 截断误差为0.01。

  • A direct evidence for intermittency induced by truncation error is provided in the paper .

    一个 截断误差诱导阵发混沌的直接证据。

  • There is a difference between the truncation versus the compression of the transaction log file .

    事务日志文件的 截断和压缩是不同的。

  • Note the truncation due to the substring in the column map .

    (注意,列映射的子 字符串简化了输出

  • This algorithm adjusts the step-size appropriately according to the presupposed precision and the local truncation error of each step .

    该算法根据每步计算中局部 截断误差和精度的要求,合理调整步长大小。

  • Effect of truncation is reduced by using data window and overlapped the data between close together data segments .

    采用时域加窗和重叠相加,大大减弱了 截断效应的影响。

  • Scaling of decimal value resulted in data truncation

    对十进制值的调整导致了数据的 截断

  • Similar to truncation wildcards substitute a symbol for one letter of a word .


  • This results show that the SD-pair truncation is reasonable and the IBM has a sound shell model foundation .

    这一结果说明了SD对 近似的合理性,同时也证明了相互作用玻色子 模型具有很好的壳模型基础。

  • Multiple decimal separators result in truncation .

    多个小数分隔符会导致 截断

  • The truncation errors in finite differential equation are corrected in solving the model .

    在求解过程中,将有限差分法的 截断误差进行了修正。

  • Through the simulation to choose the optimum truncation radius and the optimal time step .

    经过模仿选择最优的 截断半径和最优的时间步长。