true zero


  • Conversely it is true and if | KF / KS | > 3 relative quiet time for acoustic emission is zero .

    而当 KF/KS|>3时,声发射相对平静时间为

  • True the copious debt that made many leveraged buy-outs so lucrative is gone for now and many equity holdings will go to zero .


  • It used to be that there was zero inflation if you define it with respect to gold and they were really true to that zero inflation in terms of gold .

    如果你用金子来定义它,那从来没有过通货膨胀,这是 事实,就金子而言 没有 通货膨胀。

  • As the test man page states the test command evaluates expression parameters and if the expression value is True returns a zero ( True ) exit value .

    正如test的手册页指出的,test命令运算表达式参数的值,如果表达式的值是 True,就返回 (True)退出值。

  • Balancing an investment portfolio across the whole company to effectively deliver true business value with zero waste defines the need for a deliberate IT governance strategy .

    平衡一个投资组合,整个公司能够有效地交付,并且 没有浪费,这 就是一套深思熟虑的IT控制策略。

  • And this puzzle piece here colored in blue because it 's a Boolean expression is just something that & whose answer is either a yes or no 0 true or false one or zero .

    这个拼图染成蓝色,因为它是布尔表达式,它的结果只可能是肯定或否定, 或错,1 或者

  • True the Fed 's zero interest rate policy has kept the yield curve steep .

    的确,美联储的 利率政策使得收益率曲线保持陡峭。

  • What percentage of all this turned out to be true ? Zero .

    这一切化为 事实的百分比是多少?

  • A string whose length is greater than zero is always evaluated as True when resolved to a Boolean function even if its value is the string'false ' .

    长度大于 0的字符串在解析为Boolean函数时,总是被判断为 True,即使它的值是字符串'false'时亦是如此。

  • In all kinds of electric cars EV has become one of the most important development directions due to the realization of the true zero emission .

    纯电动汽车因能 真正的实现 排放而成为电动汽车的重要发展方向之一。

  • Although this is true the report states that an integrated benefit analysis shows the net benefit generated by the tobacco industry is already below zero .

    即便这是 的,报告坚持认为,通过整体效益分析,烟草行业产生的净效益已经为 负值

  • As stated in the definition test returns a zero exit value if the expression value was True or a non-zero exit value ( that is 1 ) .

    根据定义,如果表达式值是 True,那么test返回 退出值,否则返回非零退出值(即1)。

  • This method makes the characteristic quadrangle come true . 3 . There are redundancy realizations corresponding to the basic vectors of multilevel inverters . The line voltage of the redundancy realization is fixed but the phase voltage and the zero order voltage changes .

    由于多电平逆变器的基本矢量对应的实现存在冗余,冗余 实现对应的线电压不变,但相电压的大小发生改变,且对应 零序电压分量也发生变化。

  • The resonant frequency drift caused by wide range of load variation is compensated by adjusting IGBT on-time which insures true Zero Current Switching ( ZCS ) of the converter .

    对输出负载大范围变化引起的谐振频率 漂移,采用与之相对应的微调开关时间,保证了变换器开关的 切换,显著降低了导通、关断时IGBT的损耗。

  • The result register will be non-zero ( or true all bits set to one ) if the previous test for zero was true .

    如果之前是否为 的测试的结果为真,那么结果寄存器将是非0(为 ,所有位均被置1)。