true statement


  • The set of values that give a true statement when substituted into an equation .

    带入等式能使 等式 成立的一组值。

  • We analyze some defenses and point out our laws have some defects they did not classify the defenses . Compared with American defamation I conclude some defenses : consent true statement absolutely privileges and conditional privileges .

    通过比较美国的抗辩事由,结合我国的抗辩事由,我们将抗辩事由分为同意、 真实抗辩、绝对免责特权与附条件免责特权。

  • The story is true ; it is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatever for supposing it true-b.russell ; the true meaning of the statement .

    这故事是真的;当没有任何基础去证明一个命题的时候,就不需要去相信它-b.罗素;这个 声明 真实含义。

  • Parameter markers should be used if all of the following conditions are true for an SQL statement

    如果一个SQL 语句满足下面所有条件, 使用参数标记

  • Which of the following is NOT a true statement about training in the implementation phase of systems development ?

    下列哪一项不是 真正 声明,对培训在实施阶段的系统开发?

  • Things in history may not necessarily be unrealistic while things in reality may not necessarily be true . This statement which sounds like a paradox perhaps is more close to the true description .

    历史的未必不是“现实”的,而现实的未必一定是“ 真实”的,这种看似悖论的 陈述或许恰恰是一种贴近真实的描述。

  • A transition condition is a true or false statement that the processor may use to determine the current state of any particular activity .

    转移条件就是一条 或者否的 语句,处理器借以判定任何一个特定活动的当前状态。

  • It will be a true statement won 't it ?

    这会是一个 论述,不是吗?

  • Wouid that be a true statement ?


  • The test taker should therefore look for key words that determine the meaning of a statement . One word could make an otherwise true statement a false one .

    因此应试者应该注意决定一句话意思的关键词,这就是说一个词能决定一 话的 正误

  • Only if the WHEN clause evaluates to true will the action part of trigger statement be executed .

    仅当WHEN子句的计算结果为 时,触发器 语句的操作部分才会执行。

  • Verify that it returns true and use and assert statement to fail the test if the redirection fails .

    确认该调用返回 true ;如果重定向失败,则使用assert 语句使测试失败。

  • We can see that a considerable portion of the enterprises using the financial figures to conceal figures of the true financial statement in order to manipulate profit and control stock price .

    从调查结果可以看出,有相当一部分的企业中存在着利用财务数字 掩盖 报表 信息的现象,从而达到操纵利润、控制股票价格的情况。

  • Is that a true and accurate statement as far as you know it ?

    这是一个 真实、准确的 明据你知道吗?

  • The carrier of concept true is statement and a statement is not only express a sentence but also maybe a judgment or proposition .

    这个概念的载体是 陈述,一个陈述不仅仅表达的是一个句子,还有可能是一个判断或命题。

  • Is this a true statement of Wenger 's assessment of the changing nature of the Premiership ?

    这些 是温格对环境变化的 真心的评价吗?

  • So to explain the concept true ' we have to consider a statement is a judgment or a proposition .

    因此要解释 这个概念,必须还要考虑到一个 陈述是判断或命题。

  • Something declared to be true ; a positive statement or judgment .

    证实被断定是 正确的事物;肯定的 陈述或判断。

  • Prescribe Accounting Subject to Come True the Preparation of a Cash Flow Statement wth Procedure

    规范会计科目的设置和使用:使用程序直接 实现现金流量 的编制

  • This is true whether the statement firing the trigger is in an implicit or explicit transaction .

    不管激发触发器的 语句在隐式事务中还是显式事务中,都会这样。

  • I certify this be a true and complete statement of my family composition in accordance with the instructions above .

    我保证:我按上述要求 填报的家庭成员的详细情况完全 属实

  • Silent Power and True Statement Duty

    论沉默权和 如实 陈述义务

  • If you forget an equal sign it 'll throw a parse error instead of just evaluating true and executing the statement .

    如果你忘记了等号,它会出现一个解析错误而不是判断为 或者停止 声明

  • One of the authors of the report Nart Villeneuve a threat intelligence analyst for the company said that it was likely that the hackers were based in Lebanon & which would be the only true statement in the chat with the Syrian fighter .

    报告的作者之一纳尔特·维尔纳夫(NartVilleneuve)是火眼公司的威胁情报分析师。他说,这些黑客很有可能是在黎巴嫩运作的&这可能是与那名叙利亚反对派武装人员的对话中惟一的 真实 表述

  • Wow how true is that statement ?

    有几分 真实性?

  • If the condition evaluates to TRUE the statement list is executed then control resumes at the top of the loop .

    如果条件的求值结果为 TRUE,那么就将执行 语句列表,在循环的顶部恢复控制。

  • The news is almost certainly true although it is not official . This statement is unofficial and not binding on us .

    尽管消息是非官方的,但是几乎 确凿无疑.这 声明是非官方的,对我们没有约束力。

  • The drawing must be a true and complete statement of the designer 's requirements expressed in such a way that the part is convenient to manufacture .

    图纸必须按方便制造零件的方式将设计者的要求 真实和完整地 表达出来。

  • 2a Listen and circle true or false for each statement .

    听一遍, 圈出 对或是错。