tunnel emission

[ˈtʌnəl ɪˈmɪʃən][ˈtʌnəl ɪˈmɪʃən]


  • The safety speed is raised will give the direction of study on the tunnel safety and energy saving & emission reduction management measures .

    车速的研究,对公路 隧道的安全、节能 减排管理措施的研究指明方向。

  • Effect of road gradient in highway tunnel on smoke emission of diesel vehicle

    隧道坡度因素对柴油车烟雾 排放 的影响

  • The study results have certain guide significance to determine the criterion emission amount of diesel vehicle during highway tunnel design but also can be taken as a reference to calculate the intensity of vehicle pollution emission source while estimating vehicle circumstance pollution both in city and around highway .

    研究成果不仅对公路 隧道 通风方案设计时汽车污染物基准排放量的确定具有一定的指导意义,同时在进行汽车排放对城市污染和公路沿线环境污染评价时可作为计算汽车污染物 排放源强的参考。

  • By Guangzhou Pearl River Tunnel test with 48 h sampling for VOCs traffic character and tunnel wind the emission factors of 55 VOCs of motor vehicle for were calculated .

    通过对广州珠江隧道连续48h的监测,研究了 隧道 交通特征、微气象特征和VOCs组成及其质量浓度水平,能够计算出广州机动车55种VOCs化合物的平均 排放因子。

  • As the main diversion tunnel through the rock mass of marble carried out under different loading rates different construction conditions Jinping marble of acoustic emission testing .

    以引水 隧洞主要穿越岩石大理岩为研究对象,开展了不同加载速率下,不同施工条件的锦屏大理岩声 发射试验研究。

  • Wind tunnel modeling experiment is probably the most effective measure to investigate dust emission and deposition Previous authors studied only the emission process from plane dust surfaces into low turbulence intensity flows .

    风洞模拟实验是研究起、降 过程最有效的手段。前人只研究了低湍流度气流中,平坦表面的实际起尘过程。

  • Through the indoor platform experiment road experiment and environmental pollution of analogue tunnel experiment the paper investigates the smog emission amount of diesel and CO emission of automobile in different velocities .

    通过室内台架实验、道路实验和模拟 隧道污染环境实验,研究了不同车速下柴油车烟雾 排放量和汽油车CO排放量。

  • Application of Gas Drainage Pump to Tunnel Gas Emission

    瓦斯抽放泵在 巷道 排放瓦斯中的应用

  • LED illumination system used in tunnel will not only effectively improve the safety for tunnel lighting but also have great importance on energy saving and emission reduction .

    隧道采用LED照明系统不仅可有效提高 隧道照明安全等级,而且具有十分重要的节能 减排意义。

  • Through studies of non-ohm properties of the composite it is found that there is a good linear relationship between lgR and lgU and the reason to produce non-ohm properties probably conductive mechanism of tunnel effect and effect of electric field emission .

    通过对导电复合材料的非欧姆特性的研究,发现lgR-lgU成良好线性关系,产生非欧姆特性的原因主要是 隧道导电效应和电场 发射效应。

  • Research on effect of environment in highway tunnel on emission of diesel engine

    公路 隧道环境对车用柴油机 排放影响的研究

  • Tunnel experimental study on the emission factors of volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) from vehicles

    机动车VOCs排放特征和 排放因子的 隧道测试研究

  • Aiming at particulate matters sampling and analysis a full flow dilute tunnel sampling system for vehicle emission was developed .

    笔者以机动车 排放颗粒物采集和分析为主要目的,开发了 机动车 排放颗粒物全流稀释 风道测量系统。

  • The roadway maintained along the goaf technology will have significant effect to improve the recovery rate of coal resources reduce the rate of tunnel boring ease tension between mining and realize energy-saving emission reduction of mine .

    此举对于提高煤炭资源回收率、降低 巷道掘进率、缓解采掘紧张关系和实现矿井的节能 减排具有显著效果。

  • The Schottky emission model has been compared with tunnel emission model by the calculation of the conductance of non-continuum film .

    对非连续薄膜的电导率热 发射 隧道发射模型进行了对比。

  • Tunnel Test for Motor Vehicle Emission Factors in Guangzhou

    广州市机动车 排放因子 隧道测试研究

  • Full-flow dilution tunnel sampling system for articulate matters from vehicle emission & its integration flowrate control and adjustment

    全流稀释 风道机动车 排放颗粒物采集系统的集成及其流量控制和调节

  • Visible after the sealant spray tunnel sealing off the cracks of the coal wall surface reducing the permeability coefficient of the roadway around the delay of gas emission the blocking effect is more obvious .

    可见涂料喷涂 巷道以后,封堵了煤壁表面的裂隙,降低了巷道四周的透气性系数,延缓了瓦斯的 涌出,封堵效果是比较明显的。